Sunday, December 20, 2015


I think I preferred Minecraft: Story Mode when I thought it was going to be following Jesse and Petra (and Reuben). I've watched Ray play the first three episodes and he's right, almost everyone is annoying. Speaking of Ashley, I'm glad she was able to Skype in again to help defeat the Briarwoods. That episode really was harsh. It was funny when Travis tried to high-five her through the screen. Sam was scraping the bottom of the barrel of his inspiration songs. "Percy's got a gun..." Taliesin was not too impressed with that one. "Really?!" I preferred "All the single Percys" myself. The previous installment was dark, as was last week's RWBY. That's not why I'm procrastinating finishing my story, though. I just want to get it perfect in my mind before I type it up. I've got just under two weeks and two pages left to go. There's no way I'm finishing it before Christmas, and I don't necessarily have to. New Year's Eve is the cut-off.

I'm also scraping the bottom of the barrel with what I have on hand for reading material. I've been rereading a book about Egyptian birth signs, and on this reading I've been figuring out what some of the Kingdom Hearts characters might be. There's no concept of time as far as dates in Kingdom Hearts, but other series like Cardcaptor Sakura and Yu-Gi-Oh! gave their characters actual birthdays. Based on what the book says about the Egyptian signs, I have determined that in the Western equivalent: Even is a Virgo, Dilan is a Libra, Ienzo is a Scorpio, Lea and Myde are Sagittarians, Braig is a Capricorn, Ansem the Wise is an Aquarius, Isa is a Pisces, Rould is an Aries, Aeleus is a Taurus, Lumaria is a Gemini, Xehanort is a Cancer, and Relena is a Leo. People on Tumblr have already pondered the main characters' signs, so I won't attempt to.

I found out there's a new Popples cartoon, but it's computer animated so I'm not interested in seeing it. It's bound to be different from the original, and I shouldn't judge it unless I watch it, but why do they do kids shows entirely CG these days? It looks cheap and wrong. I'm not saying it has to be hand-drawn animation - flash puppets work just fine (referring to MLP again unless that's changed and I just haven't noticed).

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