Thursday, December 10, 2015


The Dino Thunder Christmas episode was as good as the Halloween one, with it being a clip show but one with a story built around it. It was nice to see the Rangers helping Santa again (and in turn Santa helping Chase get home to see his family). Poissandra even impressed me with her antics, not wanting to take over the holiday but stealing Santa's Naughty or Nice computer to view the Rangers' files to attempt to find out where their base was (even though they'd already infiltrated it in the Halloween special).

In the FF7 Machinabridged, they first referred to Cloud as Blonde Zack. Based on that, I think Vexen/Even could be called Blonde Hojo. The voice actor playing him in the Machinabridged has that same type of voice, so maybe Derek Stephen Prince should play him in the FF7 remake (I mean why not? Quinton Flynn already plays Axel/Lea and Reno). I haven't been following the news that closely, but if each "episode" is the length of a game, wouldn't it make more sense if each "episode" were more like a world in length? They're already saying the battle system is going to be more like that of Kingdom Hearts anyway.

I'm halfway through my final story in the series I'm working on. Now all that's left is the big boss battle and the epilogue. I hope I have time to finish it before the holidays, but I doubt it. I still have some last minute shopping to do - my boyfriend and I have to get together and get in-law presents at the mall when we both have time. A lot of games came out recently, so he's spent most of his free time playing them while I watched.

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