Tuesday, May 24, 2016


We finally got to see what happened to the Outer Guardians, who were actually not present at the Silver Millennium when it was destroyed. They hate Saturn because she was summoned by the talismans to put an end to the rest of them as well. That's not the worst thing in the world. It had to happen so they could be reborn with everyone else. It's the equivalent of Meenah setting the bomb off in Homestuck. You would think Meenah's the bad guy since she would've grown up to be the Condesce, but she's actually not. The look of "oh shit!" when Hotaru turned into a servant of Pharaoh 90 instead of Saturn was somewhat amusing given their situation, which was just hiding in a tree and letting Chibi Moon approach the house. Just what we needed, another Wicked Lady.

I finally found the cupcakes. The store I work at doesn't keep them all in the same place but scattered throughout the various aisles. I don't understand our system and they sure as hell aren't going to teach it to me. They were all right, but I like the orange ones the best, and maybe the ones made to look like baseballs. Not worth filling a whole bank vault with, as in Comic Book Quickies this week. Hostess is not the preferred brand at the store, just tossed in haphazardly among the bread and other baked goods. Drake's Cakes are in the paper aisle, and Little Debbie's are in the frozen aisle. Other brands have their own endcaps on other aisles further down. It's so dumb.

The December video is more or less done. There's just some timing issues to sort out. It isn't entirely comprised of holiday fan art but that's kind of what I was going for originally. The Next Mutation videos are also up. The Organization zodiac view counts from before still stand. It makes me wonder if the Zexion one didn't make it to people's inboxes for some reason. I've heard of that happening.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Swan Song

NCIS is so badly written. Cote wouldn't come back so they killed Ziva, but then they made her have an out-of-wedlock daughter with Tony?! That's even worse than devolving Kort's character and shooting the shit out of him (justified, but still). Poor dumbass. I'm just disappointed that they didn't go for a twist instead of their "fuck this guy" approach. But no, it had to be "I'm a bad guy. I suck at fighting. I don't do all my research and get in way over my head. I'm actually into selling nuclear secrets to the Russians and burning the homes of my enemies either by accident or on purpose." I saw the episode of Rush Hour with David Dayan Fisher that was pretty much an episode of Flashpoint. Also he makes goofy faces. Too bad he's wasted on typecasting.

Sailor Moon spontaneously transformed into Neo Queen Serenity, to whom Uranus and Neptune apologized for their rudeness. But then they went right back to being rude in that same conversation. Neptune mentions that Uranus is both a man and a woman, which, no she's not. She's a crossdresser like Naoto from Persona 4, but she's still not like the Sailor Star Lights. The holy grail looks like it was summoned by the royal family and not the three talismans, which are supposed to be used against Sailor Saturn/the god of destruction, but we already know the Inner Guardians aren't going to let the Outer Guardians kill Hotaru. She gets to decide that for herself.

Higashi in South Windsor is the best Japanese restaurant I've ever been to. Just saying it's the best sit-down experience I've had. I wore out my arm muscles using chopsticks on everything in the lunch plate instead of just one side dish.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Christmas in May

MLP did their own version of A Christmas Carol. It was a great episode, but it had some problems. I loved the opening, but the beginning of the actual story seemed really slow to me. There was no Marley character, but there was a teacher who looked a lot like Snape. I was a little disappointed that Twilight wasn't a character in the story, but she was the narrator and Starlight was the stand-in for the audience (which makes Twilight Gonzo and Spike Rizzo if we were to compare it to the Muppet version). They were annoying. The best part was Princess Luna's song as the Ghost of Hearth's Warming Future. Also Derpy.

I was searching for some Kingdom Hearts fan art the other day and found some pretty good ones. There was one where Aeleus and Dilan are about to beat up Braig for his role in the betrayal. There's another one where Even and Ienzo are waking up and getting mad at Lea for what he'd done to them as well. There was also one where Isa is telling Sora to kill him off, but Sora says no because it would make Lea sad and offers him his hand saying "Let's get you home, Isa." That one got me right in the feels. Then I searched for cute pictures of Ienzo specifically and was not disappointed. I like that more people are drawing him when he was a cute little kid (unfortunately several are of him crying so that's sad). Similarly I saw a picture of Batman with a caption that read: "I'm here to kick ass and hug my parents, and I'm all out of parents." Too real.

I usually don't give nicknames to Pokemon, let alone Digimon, because I can't immediately think of any good ones. However, in Digimon Cyber Sleuth, it becomes necessary when keeping track of individual Digimon going through different evolutionary trees. I have a Magnadramon named Lady, a Cherubimon named Velvet, and a Piximon named Styx. I really have to get better at nicknames since it's required for a Nuzlocke run (which my boyfriend started but never finished because he got distracted by doing randomizer runs). Kyle told me about a creation called the McGangBang, where you put together two cheeseburgers and a McChicken sandwich. Those are two things I get normally but not at the same time, so maybe I should try doing it. I found out there was a triple cheeseburger recently, so I ate that. It's because the patties are so thin that I'd even considered it.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ye Not Guilty

I'd given up on NCIS this season, but of course they couldn't conclude Tony's run without bringing back Kort (no matter what trouble the two had gotten into in real life). At first they tried to humanize him some more, but then it all turned out to possibly be a lie as he has been accused by the suspect of selling secrets to the Russians and killing people to cover his tracks since before La Granouille. And just to stick a knife in and turn it, he's now after Ziva (more specifically, her father's files). I'm not worried about the fire, however. Ziva probably set it and ran. There's no way Kort's going to survive the next episode, though. I was all for a redemption of his character, but this just harpoons all the progress he's made because he is Tony's nemesis. A nice touch was his fake eye (contact lens over the actor's real eye) but having a pirate eye patch instead of his medical one on his updated personnel file showing he'd been sacked. We don't even know why he got fired, and there's a chance he is actually innocent (although he looks pretty guilty). While all signs point to the writers making him out to be a monster since he's a character people love to hate, it does match his M.O. to find a lead on his own, keep it to himself, and try to take action alone only to get his ass kicked once again. Like Gibbs said the last time they mentioned him on the show, Kort is upfront about being an asshole. The more I think about it, the more I start to suspect Monroe since he is a character that was introduced then released and forgotten, and those characters are usually guilty. I won't be upset if it turns out Kort is guilty or dies either way; I'm just disappointed with the writing, though that ship sailed last season.

Also looking forward to next week's Sailor Moon Crystal. I was a little disappointed in this one. It should have been Makoto's episode (I was expecting her to kill Lulu or at least fight her more), but then Mini Moon got her wand (seriously how was she supposed to defend herself without it?), which instead of doing nothing got absorbed. Then Pluto showed up, as her name is actually in the episode title. The brief appearances of Haruka, Michiru, and Mamoru respectively felt pointless and added nothing. Instead of getting eaten by her plants, Lulu turned into a horrible plant monster. To be continued.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Quick Updates

Post # 300, not that it matters. Last entry's title should've been "IT'S A WORKING TITLE!" I think I used "Stepping It Up" already, but I don't know if this site checks for title redundancy.

Burnie and Ashley lost, so I have no reason to watch the rest of it. I will continue to listen to their podcasts, however. Excited for RWBY Chibi and RvB 14 even though it will all be supplementary material. The bake-off between Meg and Ryan as judged by Barbara, Lindsay, and Kerry was hilarious.

Newbie Dash is probably the worst episode of this season, hands down. It's true that sports players give each other derogatory nicknames (at least that's the kind of nicknames the coaches assigned to us when I played softball), it doesn't make it right. Dash was bullied by being called Crash, so she should've been able to talk to the Wonderbolts about it eventually. Also, another episode where Spike gets shat on. Those aren't funny.

I think the caramel cupcakes were only on sale the week I saw them because I haven't seen them since. I guess I missed my chance, but they probably weren't all that great anyway. But this is coming from someone who has been dreaming about cupcakes, so that might just be sour grapes.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Stepping It Up

I've finally caught up with Critical Role, and that new intro is amazing. My favorite part is the segment starting with Percy ducking behind a tree and ending with Scanlan chasing after Pike. Percy is my favorite, so I should be upset that he had to get knocked out, right? Well, two things. One: Pike had to heal someone, I suppose, to show off her powers (except she's also a badass at everything else save stealth). Two: My personal feeling is that if I'm playing D&D, why would I want to still be human when I could be anything else? In that respect Percy is a weak link (though Taliesin rolls like a boss). Also, sometimes I would want to smack Percy upside the head for some of the decisions he makes. Vax even calls him by his last name now instead of "Percival." The costumes and effects were gorgeous, as they looked more like their characters this time around. I'm still a little bit sad Orion couldn't be part of it.

No Second Prances is a dumb title, as they directly reference second chances in the episode. On the one hand, I can understand Twilight not wanting Starlight to be friends with Trixie given what happened when Discord made friends with Tirek (though this was not mentioned by anyone, and Twlight only seemed to be doing it for selfish reasons, something which Discord would have called her out on). On the other hand, I was actually on Starlight's side for this. Twilight shouldn't have been meddling. It would've made more sense if Trixie had remembered or even known when the dinner was since she had already scheduled her show for that night and told Starlight she couldn't go. I guess they wanted to play up Trixie's history with Twilight instead. "Way to go, dum-dum." Another thing to consider is that Celestia shouldn't have cared whether or not Starlight and her +1 showed up. Instead, we see her very annoyed at being left at the dinner with Cranky, Vinyl, and Derpy as company. And where was Spike during all this? Fluttershy was also underutilized, being abandoned by Starlight, who left after petting Angel (who loved it/her). Andrea Libman even got credited only as Pinkie, as all Fluttershy got for dialog was sighing and gasping. The other ponies whispering and rejecting Starlight and Trixie was a little reminiscent of when it happened to Sunset in Equestria Girls 2, but the two of them together made it uniquely theirs.

It was nice to see Sailor Mercury in action, albeit briefly. It was actually even nicer to see Mamoru and Usagi be constructive in their relationship. Chibi-Usa's end theme was a bit jarring, as it seemed too bright and childish (even though that's her character). When she was talking about how her mom had the chalice since she was young, an abridged option would have been for Rei or someone to blurt out, "Whoa! Spoiler alert! We don't have that yet!"