Thursday, May 19, 2016

Swan Song

NCIS is so badly written. Cote wouldn't come back so they killed Ziva, but then they made her have an out-of-wedlock daughter with Tony?! That's even worse than devolving Kort's character and shooting the shit out of him (justified, but still). Poor dumbass. I'm just disappointed that they didn't go for a twist instead of their "fuck this guy" approach. But no, it had to be "I'm a bad guy. I suck at fighting. I don't do all my research and get in way over my head. I'm actually into selling nuclear secrets to the Russians and burning the homes of my enemies either by accident or on purpose." I saw the episode of Rush Hour with David Dayan Fisher that was pretty much an episode of Flashpoint. Also he makes goofy faces. Too bad he's wasted on typecasting.

Sailor Moon spontaneously transformed into Neo Queen Serenity, to whom Uranus and Neptune apologized for their rudeness. But then they went right back to being rude in that same conversation. Neptune mentions that Uranus is both a man and a woman, which, no she's not. She's a crossdresser like Naoto from Persona 4, but she's still not like the Sailor Star Lights. The holy grail looks like it was summoned by the royal family and not the three talismans, which are supposed to be used against Sailor Saturn/the god of destruction, but we already know the Inner Guardians aren't going to let the Outer Guardians kill Hotaru. She gets to decide that for herself.

Higashi in South Windsor is the best Japanese restaurant I've ever been to. Just saying it's the best sit-down experience I've had. I wore out my arm muscles using chopsticks on everything in the lunch plate instead of just one side dish.

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