Tuesday, May 24, 2016


We finally got to see what happened to the Outer Guardians, who were actually not present at the Silver Millennium when it was destroyed. They hate Saturn because she was summoned by the talismans to put an end to the rest of them as well. That's not the worst thing in the world. It had to happen so they could be reborn with everyone else. It's the equivalent of Meenah setting the bomb off in Homestuck. You would think Meenah's the bad guy since she would've grown up to be the Condesce, but she's actually not. The look of "oh shit!" when Hotaru turned into a servant of Pharaoh 90 instead of Saturn was somewhat amusing given their situation, which was just hiding in a tree and letting Chibi Moon approach the house. Just what we needed, another Wicked Lady.

I finally found the cupcakes. The store I work at doesn't keep them all in the same place but scattered throughout the various aisles. I don't understand our system and they sure as hell aren't going to teach it to me. They were all right, but I like the orange ones the best, and maybe the ones made to look like baseballs. Not worth filling a whole bank vault with, as in Comic Book Quickies this week. Hostess is not the preferred brand at the store, just tossed in haphazardly among the bread and other baked goods. Drake's Cakes are in the paper aisle, and Little Debbie's are in the frozen aisle. Other brands have their own endcaps on other aisles further down. It's so dumb.

The December video is more or less done. There's just some timing issues to sort out. It isn't entirely comprised of holiday fan art but that's kind of what I was going for originally. The Next Mutation videos are also up. The Organization zodiac view counts from before still stand. It makes me wonder if the Zexion one didn't make it to people's inboxes for some reason. I've heard of that happening.

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