Saturday, May 7, 2016

Quick Updates

Post # 300, not that it matters. Last entry's title should've been "IT'S A WORKING TITLE!" I think I used "Stepping It Up" already, but I don't know if this site checks for title redundancy.

Burnie and Ashley lost, so I have no reason to watch the rest of it. I will continue to listen to their podcasts, however. Excited for RWBY Chibi and RvB 14 even though it will all be supplementary material. The bake-off between Meg and Ryan as judged by Barbara, Lindsay, and Kerry was hilarious.

Newbie Dash is probably the worst episode of this season, hands down. It's true that sports players give each other derogatory nicknames (at least that's the kind of nicknames the coaches assigned to us when I played softball), it doesn't make it right. Dash was bullied by being called Crash, so she should've been able to talk to the Wonderbolts about it eventually. Also, another episode where Spike gets shat on. Those aren't funny.

I think the caramel cupcakes were only on sale the week I saw them because I haven't seen them since. I guess I missed my chance, but they probably weren't all that great anyway. But this is coming from someone who has been dreaming about cupcakes, so that might just be sour grapes.

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