Thursday, January 19, 2017


Prior mistake corrections I wanted to get out of the way - I think I spelled Madalena's name wrong, and I meant to say Multiverse not Universe. Okay? Okay!

Thrilling Intent continues to be awesome, thwarting the kidnapping once Ashe let them (and Harlock) know who they were dealing with and what level of dead she wanted them in retaliation (with it being decided they would "adventure their heads from their shoulders"). Firi's "Good" badge serves multiple purposes as they play Good Cop/Bad Cop (and in Markus' case, old/half-dead cop). Critical Role, however, not so good. Keyleth nearly getting everyone killed just so she could have a character growth moment just wasn't worth it. An anime-style cutting-your-hair-to-establish-change scene was not deserved. Kerrek is just an enabler; I didn't think so at first, and Patrick Rothfuss is great, but that's what it felt like when he showed up after the fight. The three things that most Critters complain about, according to Sam, are Matt's rules being incorrect, Ashley not being there, and Keyleth being the worst.

Linkara was the most recent one to mention Next Mutation in a Ninja Turtles review. I wasn't surprised since he and Calluna mentioned it in one of the Omicron videos. I couldn't even get mad because he didn't say anything insulting; he was just sarcastic about its/her existence. Maybe it's because he's a feminist or he knows the reference has been done to death.

I guess I'm still doing this, so here are some Kureno pics for Year of the Rooster (or in his case, Sparrow).

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