Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nice Job Breaking It

Critical Role was a bit of a disaster, as the title was a bit misleading. Usually, an episode with the same name as one of the dragons means that they kill that dragon in the episode. That didn't happen this time, and instead she got away while almost having killed two of them (then Marisha rolled a nat 1 and Keyleth would've died too if she didn't have enough hit points). This was all Keyleth's fault in the first place, provoking an attack before Raishan could double-cross them. I'm still enjoying Thrilling Intent, though, especially with this new player character who's appeared to kidnap Ashe and take her back to Meathe against her will. She's a badass who'd fit right in with the likes of Sentinels of the Universe and Overwatch. I'm also looking at Gee Whiz on Youtube, who does animations for both Critical Role and Heroes and Halfwits.

I'm eagerly awaiting the new Yu-Gi-Oh! movie, though I probably won't see it until I can stream it. I'm looking for any clips I can find for sneak peeks. As glad as I am to hear Ted Lewis voice Ryou again, it's clear that he hasn't done this for a long time. That or they just have no idea what they're doing with his character to begin with. Even though he finally gets backstory this time around, that doesn't make up for not giving him post-graduation plans. I'm still waiting to find out what happens to him in the end since the translated synopsis I read last year was unclear.

Berseria is still in the opening for season 2 of Tales of Zestiria the X, a fact that still pisses me off but to which I'm now a bit resigned. Eri and Astra started off the new year in the new year's episode of AppliMonsters by being as annoying as possible.  Haru didn't even say anything about being a main character - someone else said it for him. He and his love interest are the best characters.

It was finally time to upload Kort's video. I'm hoping there won't be backlash. No views so far, though. My December video only got two views, and Larxene's got one.

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