Thursday, December 29, 2016

Eat a Dick, 2016!

This season's Survivor finale was depressing. The winner, whose mother had cancer, won unanimously, but the mother died before it was made official (he'd told her he won upon his return and she died soon after). That's one of the saddest things in Survivor history. This whole year was pretty sad and challenging for the most part, but I don't want to talk about that. It wasn't all bad, but the Top 10 Reasons Why 2016 Was the Worst from WatchMojo sums it up pretty well - except that it needs to be updated to include more celebrity deaths since it was posted.

Digimon Appli Monsters was great at first, but it has been showing its stupid lately. I'm pretty sure Raidramon already exists, yet they gave that name to one of the Appmon. Also, the Christmas episode was painfully stupid. The digital calendars don't have Christmas Eve and Day on them all of a sudden, guess they don't exist anymore. How dumb are these people? These monsters don't change reality, only electronics (which can cause trouble, but not reality-bending). At least they made a reference to season one by having Calendamon start with August 1 when he was changing the date around. I can put up with the pop idol and the Pewdiepie wanna-be, but even they're starting to get on my nerves as they seem to be one-note characters. It's okay for them to have catchphrases, but do they have to say them every episode? Haru doesn't go on about wanting to be a main character all the time, and that's part of why I like him. I still don't know what the deal is with his friend whom he called a main character type. (He called himself a side character at first only for his friend to tell him that he's wrong. If this was abridged, specifically by Manitoug10, the "because I'm not a homo side character" joke would apply like Ouran.)

I'm glad I watched Galavant season 2 on Netflix. Since I stopped watching TV altogether (with a few exceptions), I had no idea that I had missed the premiere date and essentially all of it. ABC cancelled it, of course, but if Netflix picks it up it'll be the best thing ever. Still, the only plot line left to resolve is Gareth and Sid going to save Madelena from herself, but I'd watch that. Especially if they can get Weird Al back a third time. Ending season 2 with him was fantastic.

The recent chapter of CCS Clear Card arc was pretty cool. Sakura had to fake a stomach ache to get out of class to catch a card, but otherwise no one else was around. More self-referential humor as well.

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