Friday, January 20, 2017

Not Far from the Tree

 Because I felt more backstory was necessary. We'll see what we get with 2.8 and then settle in for another year of nothing, people.

    Ienzo was helping Even work to reverse the damage they'd done to their world. Even caught him spacing out and decided to ask him what was wrong. "Something on your mind?"
    "Uh, sort of," Ienzo replied, startled. "Actually, I was thinking about my mom and dad." Even didn't react, waiting for Ienzo to explain further. "I don't know what they would think of all this, or even what they would've said before we did what we did. There are so many questions I'll never get to ask them, If they were still here, I could've asked them about how they met and other things. It never occurred to me before because I never thought I would lose them."
    They were both silent for a moment before Even responded, "I knew your parents at university. I could tell you a little about that, if you would like."
    Ienzo stared at him, eyes wide. "Okay."
    Even launched into his story. "I met your father during a lecture on particle physics. We were required to attend the most basic lessons in all branches of science before choosing which one we would pursue. Some of us, of course, decided to choose two." He was referring to his degrees in bio-engineering and psychology. "But I digress. I mostly kept to myself, but your father insisted on being friends with me." He sounded annoyed, but there was a sadness in his eyes. "Rather than leave me to study in peace, he kept dragging me to the university library to study among the other students. Your mother, as you may know, worked in the library part-time while studying to be a librarian. As soon as he saw her, your father went over to her to ask for help finding a book. He hadn't needed the help, as I pointed out to him, but he told me that he'd simply wanted to interact with her. While I had no interest in such matters, he asked me for my opinion. I told him to tell her his true intentions or return to his studies. He was far too shy for that at the time, so he returned to his studies for the time being. I thought that might be the end of it, but I was wrong.
    "On another library visit, your father attempted to help your mother move a large stack of books. I suppose he was trying to impress her by carrying as many as he could, but he ended up dropping them all. Everyone nearby looked up momentarily as he apologized and picked them back up. Mind you, your father wasn't that strong, but he had quick reflexes - at least when he wasn't standing next to her. I continued watching, thinking that he'd soon retreat back to our table and ask for moral support, but again I was wrong. He was embarrassed, of course, but your mother didn't mind. Her kindness gave him the courage to tell her what was in his heart. I didn't expect to see him that much after that, but surprisingly, they often invited me along with them as a third wheel."  
    "It's called being a wingman," Braig interrupted, suddenly appearing as he was wont to do.
    "Will you -!" Even exclaimed somewhat angrily, unable to finish his thought.
    "What? I'm glad James was looking out for you. You would've led a boring existence on your own." Braig took the hint and left, having said his piece.
    "He didn't say why he came in here," Ienzo remarked.
    "Just to be a nuisance, that's all," Even grumbled.
    "So...was there anything else about my parents?"
    "Oh, yes, well, your mother was a fine woman. I didn't approve of all the magic-using, but she was a match for your father. I couldn't begin to tell you about their feelings, if that's what you wanted to know."
    What did I want to know? "Did Dad ever discuss with you when he was going to propose to Mom? How did he know she was the one?"
    Even crossed his arms thoughtfully. "Well, he did tell me that being alongside her was freeing, in a sense. I didn't quite know what he meant by that, but..." He studied Ienzo for a moment. "You're so much like him. No, you are very much both of them."
    Ienzo had heard this before, but it never made him feel any less pleased. "What happened after that?"
    "You were born, obviously," Even quipped; the joke didn't land. "Oh, you meant graduation. They found employment and had you, and I kept studying and became an apprentice. We remained in contact, but we each led busy lives..." 
    "Even was the one who recommended them to me," Ansem added, having entered the room silently.
    "Lord Ansem!" Even exclaimed self-consciously.
    "Oh? Was that not the topic of discussion?" Ansem asked innocently. "I sent Braig to tell you to come see me, but when he returned, he said you were telling Ienzo stories about yourself and his parents."
    "He never said you wanted to see us," Ienzo spoke up.
    Ansem smiled. "He probably didn't want to interrupt."
    "Interrupting is all he does," Even complained.
    "What do you need, Master?" Ienzo queried.
    Ansem shook his head. "Status report, that's all. However, this seems far more enjoyable."
    "I had something on my mind. Sorry," Ienzo apologized.
    "No need to be sorry, as long as you can focus now."
    "I think so." Ienzo looked at Even. "Would it be all right if we talked more later?"
    Even shrugged. "Whatever you need."
    Braig reappeared. "Speaking of interesting stories, did I ever tell you about my days in the academy with Dilan and Aeleus?"
    "I don't think so," Ienzo replied neutrally. On the one hand, he was curious about how the other three had met; on the other hand, it would involve listening to Braig talk incessantly for longer than he would like. Maybe I'll ask Aeleus instead.
    "I'm sure he's only interested in hearing about his parents," Even interjected; he wasn't wrong.
    "Oh, excuse me," Braig countered sarcastically. "I thought this was Story Time with Even."
    "I'm glad to see you're all getting along," Ansem mused sincerely.
    Ienzo approached Aeleus during his down time. "Aeleus, can I ask you about something?"
    "What is it?" Aeleus asked curiously.
    "Braig mentioned that you and he and Dilan went to the academy together."
    "He was a year or two ahead of us, but yes," Aeleus replied. "Why?"
    Ienzo looked away shyly but reminded himself to speak clearly like an adult. I can't hang off of him like a kid anymore. "Well, I wanted to know if you had interesting stories from back then. You're really the only one I can rely on to be honest."
    Aeleus smirked. "Those two would hotly contest every detail. What do you want to know?"  
    "Do you still train the same way?"
    "It was a lot more intense back then. We were trying to prove ourselves. Those who couldn't rely on strength alone became expert marksmen, like Braig. Dilan was best suited to finesse and strategy. The three of us became a unit because of the skills we possessed."
    "What did you do when you weren't training?"
    "The same as we do now, except we used to go to the tavern more often. The mess hall left something to be desired."
    Ienzo was willingly captivated. "Did anything happen there?"
    "Ha. What didn't happen? Many people passed in and out of there every day. Sometimes there were fights. Because we were cadets, we were involved in quite a few of them either in self-defense or the defense of others."
    "Did you get into any trouble as a result?"
    "A little, but nothing that marred our records. We were considered upstanding citizens for the most part."
    "Was the remaining part Braig?" Ienzo asked sardonically.
    "You say that, but Braig took the blame even when something wasn't his fault. He looked out for us as our senior. If one of us got too rowdy or had a few too many, he would take responsibility for the outcome."
    Ienzo was quite surprised. "Wow...To be honest, I can't really imagine any of you causing a scene in public, not even him."
    "You haven't been privy to that life. I wouldn't expect you to understand."
    Ienzo steered the conversation to the point he had eventually wanted to address. "Even said my parents went to university with him. I suppose that means my dad didn't also spend any time at the academy, right?"
    "No, he was self-taught. For him, fighting was a last resort, but we gave him a few pointers when he was here."
    "How was he?"
    "Not very strong, but I've yet to see anyone with quicker reflexes than him."
    "So I've heard. How was he with Mom?"
    Aeleus looked confused. "I don't know what you mean."
    "Well, when I asked Even about him, he said he wasn't very skilled around her."
    "Is that so?" Aeleus seemed almost amused. "I would imagine he'd know best since he spent the most time with them."
    "Is a temporary loss of skill a side effect of falling in love?"
    "I couldn't tell you. I would suggest you ask Dilan, but it's a sore subject with him."
    "I don't think I'm that curious. Thanks, Aeleus."

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