Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Change Your Mind

Tried to watch DC Super Hero Girls Nevermore part 1, but I was immediately turned off. 1) Raven didn't learn magic from her father, and 2) Raven doesn't hate magic (but she does hate her father). How could you get it so wrong?! There were things I could let slide like the term "Underworldians" or her red-tipped hair, but not that. Also, it was too much like Equestria Girls, which is becoming too extra nowadays with all the shorts they keep churning out that I can't keep up with.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Adam has blue eyes; the Beast/Prince Adam has piercing blue eyes. Also coming as a surprise to no one, old lady fight club has ruined everything, as Grimm are descending upon the city (including a Godzilla). Maria I could take or leave again, as she's temporarily blinded when Cordovin hits the ship with electricity and says "don't tell me I missed it!" after Ruby disables one of the robot arms with its own dust canisters. However, she was willing to make a break for it with everyone on board minus Blake and Yang (until the Grimm showed up). Another thing I like is Qrow using his bird form in battle. Say what you want about Ozpin, but that's handy.

Battle of Heart and Mind was equal parts epic and disappointing. It needed to be longer, since the ending seemed rushed. Maybe we'll get more later in the movie or another season, but the montage should've been a full scene with dialogue. White Diamond became too rubbery at times, and her ship has creepy doll eyes. The moral at the end, in a little song, was something like "I'll be who I am, and you're free to change your mind." White Diamond needed to stop obsessing over perfection and trying to change everyone around her, since she's not perfect either. She needs to let herself not be perfect. This is relevant to my life, but the aunt in question is turning into a Beatrice Horseman situation more than White Diamond (dementia, or at the very least confusion), so that message isn't going to reach her or do her any good. I don't even know if I can convince any of my aunts how much they've hurt my mom, or my mom how much she's hurt me. I'll just be me, and they can leave me be. I don't have to change for them. I don't want a relationship with them if they refuse to see me as a person, just my mom's disappointing kid.

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