Friday, January 4, 2019

Questions and Concerns

Elrena was on a team with Strelitzia, so that's why Lauriam went to her. They are siblings, but not that close, apparently. That brings up a point I've been wondering about. No one in Chi (X) seems to have parental supervision or mention parents at all. In the first game, we hear Sora's mom. In Birth By Sleep, Sora mentions his friend's dad (Riku's dad), Kairi has her grandmother, and Even specifically tells us that Ienzo is adopted. So what's everyone else's deal? Why go to the trouble of telling us that some people have family members while most seem to be free agents? None of the characters original to this series even have last names. Anyway, no one seems to know that Strelitzia was killed or even that she was supposed to be a Union leader, so Elrena decides to investigate despite her Chirithy saying it's not like her to care. We all thought it was Lauriam since he showed up last, but if he was late because he was looking for his sister and not killing her, then that means the other four leaders are now suspects. Would the Vanitas side of Ven have done it? What about the others? What does any of this have to do with Kingdom Hearts 3?

HMK brings up a point that I overlooked because I didn't want to believe Even was well and truly Norted. Obviously, as HMK says, Vexen could clone Xion and/or Replica Riku again for the new Organization. As Ienzo is working towards bringing Roxas back through data, I was at least curious about how Even would react when he comes to and sees what the boy was up to without him (and possibly that Ansem has returned). I'm also concerned that Riku might die since that has also been brought up. Maybe he hangs out with Replica Riku in the afterlife? I really don't want anyone to die (though the video I'm going to work on will most likely have an obits section), and I don't think Disney and Square would kill off all the heroes in order to leave Sora completely alone. Luxord was able to separate them with cards, and it looks like he will do so again. We also see Kairi get carried off by a Heartless swarm, but I don't think she'll die either. The seven lights don't even have to be killed, but I'm guessing some hearts may be stolen.

I watch Monster Factory, and in the newest episode, the McElroys fought their creation against other created fighters, one of whom was called Buff Riku. I know buffing up characters is a meme (like Buffsuki of Doki Doki Literature Club fame), but it also looks like Riku decided to become Lexaeus after getting knocked out by him.

Persona 5 Dark Sun isn't a single OVA but an OVA series. Episode one of Dark Sun was two episodes in length and ended with Shido's confession going wrong. The next one's not coming out until March. I really wish this was planned out better.

It makes me mad that no one knew Phyrra was from Argus until this episode. No awkward looks like they were avoiding talking about it; team JNR found her statue and had a moment. Jaune even got to talk to her mom (also voiced by Jen Brown), whether he knew it or not. One of my friends stopped watching because Phyrra was fridged, and I can't recommend he start again now because of this episode. I'll keep watching, but screw this. She deserved better. I had accepted that she was meant to die, but this episode made it feel even shittier.

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