Thursday, February 14, 2019

Just Why?

The ending to RWBY volume 6 was somewhat anti-climactic, as it was resolved rather quickly compared to the episodes of build-up that came before it. The next volume will most likely involve flying monkey Grimm attacking Atlas. Also, in regards to Vic, I can't trust anyone after what happened with JewWario. If true, I'm very disappointed. That's the exact opposite of the type of person I thought he was. Guilty or not, I look forward to seeing who replaces him because Qrow isn't going anywhere.

I can't stop thinking about Braig not going back to Radiant Garden and remaining as Xigbar with his eye still yellow. As I mentioned before, I'm not sure whether he's been Luxu his whole life or if the person known as Braig was taken over by Luxu like how Ozpin does it in RWBY. Naturally, he's lived many lifetimes and wants to bring the shenanigans to an end, so maybe he's not as attached to the people at the castle as I thought he was. He leaned on them for companionship in this life but ultimately they're less important to him than the Foretellers and Master of Masters. Unless Xigbar told Vexen as some means of goodbye as I thought the two of them shared some connection, Ansem and the other apprentices are clueless as to his true identity and what's really going on with him. As such, wouldn't they be waiting for him to come home or ask someone (probably Riku, since he picked up Namine from them) to look for him? The only reason they put emphasis on them looking for Even is because Braig was already gone when they woke up while Even was the last one to get up. Ienzo mentioned that they also had friends they were looking for, and I thought that meant Braig for them and Isa for Lea (who was the only one who could leave for some reason). I watched a video with the secret reports, but like the scene where Xemnas says Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord, and Demyx are from another time, all I got from that was to wait for more to come either in a future game, DLC, and of course the mobile game I refuse to play. Those updates take forever to come out. If they write a light novel for this game, at least we probably won't have to wait as long for it as the others now that they're releasing over here. They can't keep stringing us along forever. They should've just closed all the old mysteries for the dark seeker saga and made up new ones for a new saga instead. As far as I'm concerned, it's still the dark seeker saga but the Xigbar/Luxu remix.

I heard they brought back Ziva, in name at least, to NCIS. Her death is the reason that Kort died by firing squad, so it's insulting on that count on top of whatever emotions that was supposed to inspire in normal fans. That on top of not being in Kingdom Hearts 3 is doing David Fisher dirty (though KH3 is no one's fault as his Japanese counterpart wasn't in it either).

I tried cheddar bacon Combos recently. I didn't taste any bacon initially but my burps tasted like bacon later. The carrot cake Oreos are amazing. Post came out with a bunch of Hostess cereals. I'm not going to try the Donettes one because that's probably like Frosted Cheerios or just plain sugar. I really liked the cinnamon bun one as it's sweet and not as offensive as the Cinnabon cereal. I've yet to try Golden Oreo O's and Nilla Banana Pudding flavors, but I'm looking forward to them.

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