Thursday, February 28, 2019

More Thoughts and Questions (KH3)

Story DLC for KH3 is coming out at the end of the year, but what it is exactly may still be a mystery. They say it'll fill in some story plot holes the game has, but there's a lot so I'm not expecting them to do a thorough job. It's better than nothing, but it'd better be good. I still don't know how I feel about the ending or even if I understand what happened. I'm putting off on making the video too since there are nine hours worth of cutscenes to go through. The only downside, again, is how long this is taking. We'll be playing the guessing game of who's coming in to record and who's lying about not being asked. If we try to fill in the blanks ourselves and are proven wrong, we have almost a whole year of backtracking to do in order to fix it. Here are some questions I'm still pondering, but they're not all that important to the overall story. Shout-out to The Roundtable and Awestruck Vox. I get that Lapis is your baby girl. Ienzo is sort of my baby boy now (though he's really Ansem's and I love it).

~Why do Isa and Lea keep sneaking into the castle BEFORE the fifteen-year-old girl shows up? In Birth By Sleep, I thought they were going to ask to become apprentices, but apparently they just got a kick out of breaking and entering that place. If people tried that at the White House, they'd just get shot. The only time they can get in anyway is when Aeleus and Dilan aren't outside, like when Even called them inside to a meeting with Ansem. They're not being clever, just opportunistic. That's not just a government building, that's someone's home!

~Isa's secret report also mentioned the noises that came from the castle at night. How late at night? I'm guessing Ienzo was in bed by then. Everything in this game really made it sound like following Xehanort was the worst thing the kid had done. He was probably not involved in the morally questionable experiments, as he was not a full apprentice yet and a child. Ansem's test subjects were children, and if they weren't all from the mobile game that had just lost their memories, I'm kind of worried about Ienzo in danger of being experimented on too, or why he would've been exempt. That sort of breaks my theory that the people they kept in cages were criminals. You don't treat test subjects like that, especially not children!

~I'd assumed that since Xaldin was telling the Beast to give up on Belle (like Forte) was because he'd suffered heartbreak as a somebody and that's why he was prepared to give up his heart to Xehanort. I thought it was because he'd gotten dumped, but if he was also told that Ansem had gone mad and abandoned them, he would've been affected by that as well. He mentions something like that in the light novel for KH2, and he was shown getting emotional when Ansem returned in 3. He was fiercely loyal to Ansem, and like with Ienzo, Xehanort had to go and break his spirit, and that's why Xaldin was always in a bad mood (not helped after the events of Castle Oblivion where he lost three of his companions).

~Even's whole shtick about Ansem not supporting his research might have been true at one time, maybe a reason to support Xehanort banishing him. He's not surprised in the slightest to see Ansem once he's rescued him, and one of the first things out of his mouth is that he wants to atone. Even was just as responsible for everything that happened under both Ansem and Xehanort. What I don't get is why he hung around in pirate world with Luxord (or why everyone pronounces Luxord differently now, or why Vexen talks down to him the way he does) for so long. Even after Jack did the breath thing on Luxord that he did to Will in the movie, Even was still on the ship in the maelstrom (which was caused by a sea goddess, by the way) just to find out about Davy Jones' heart in a box. The guy has no interest in magic or the supernatural, and yet that's all this is. Anyone could've told him that's what was going on and not to waste his time because it would just make him angry (except "It's magic, I don't have to explain it"). He didn't like it when Namine did it, so he's sure not going to like this. It's not like he secretly wants to play pirate too (though my theory that he took some theater classes as a kid is looking pretty likely). Maybe if he didn't always have a stick up his butt, he'd actually make a great pirate. Never seen him with his hood up before, either; it made his hair look fabulous. (Also people should be getting hanged in Port Royal for associating with pirates right now.)

~Sora was supposed to be the 13th darkness in Dream Drop Distance. Assuming they had everyone else they needed at that point despite fading away, that means they were only missing Even (who was still unstable). Everyone else with their hoods up could've been placeholder replicas or they could've been got already. In the manga, Vexen had already used those replicas to make clones of himself. Even confirmed for Pumat Sol.

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