Thursday, February 21, 2019

Was It Something I Said?

Got sick again thanks to having to sweat a lot in a cold outdoor work environment. Noticed that only one person reads these now. I thought it was to avoid Kingdom Hearts spoilers, but it was probably my post about birth control. I thought I was being brave, but I guess talking about my weight and health problems just put everybody off my blog. Sorry. Anyway, the comment sections of Kingdom Hearts discussion videos are toxic. I get attacked no matter where I go or what I say. Recently I got dumped on for agreeing with something the person in the video said. If you disagree with what was said in the video, don't attack people's positive comments and just stick to making your own. Incidentally, threads about birth control problems aren't much better. People have different experiences and don't take each other's problems seriously. People just suck. That's why I knew I couldn't talk to anyone about my problems, but present-day strangers are just as cruel and uncaring as the people I grew up with.

While Kingdom Hearts wouldn't crossover with Persona, the yellow eyes thing has me thinking about shadows. If the yellow eyes aren't necessarily tied to Xehanort, then it could be something like that. At least it would be if the Kingdom Hearts series wasn't inconsistent. The things Vexen was saying about his efforts not being recognized are what made me think it was something like that. He obviously would've meant it at some point even if he's remorseful now and wants to atone. Clearly Vexen and Even aren't two separate entities like in Persona, but thematically it makes sense. As a scientist, he's someone who'd want to "reach out to the truth" too.

Here's a snippet of something I'm working on. I've got at least four different versions (world lines?) for Kingdom Hearts 3, so it's a lot to figure out.
While waiting for the data to compile, Ienzo decided to make his first Instagram post. "A true scholar finds clues to the future in the mistakes of his past." #testpost #exorganization #zexionVI #radiantgarden #crackingthecode
Raven looked over and caught him making faces at his phone, so she decided to tease him. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"Uh, n-nothing!" Ienzo exclaimed, trying to hide his phone.
She was able to take it from him pretty easily. "First time on social media, huh?"
Ienzo looked embarrassed. "Did I not do it right?"
"It's fine. You're such a nerd."
"Oh..." Ienzo looked confused. "I thought I was being thorough."
Raven giggled. "But you're my nerd."
"Should we take one together then?"
"Sure, why not? Just don't drown it in hashtags."
"Okay." Ienzo took a picture with Raven leaning on his shoulder. "Quality time with my girlfriend." #raven #relationshipgoals #radiantgarden
This immediately got the attention of Ienzo's new friends. Hayner liked it. Pence commented "Nice!" Olette commented "What a cute couple!"
"That was fast. Apparently we're cute," Ienzo said, blushing. Raven blushed too.

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