Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Top 10 Amy Farrah Fowler Moments

With the Big Bang Theory ending, MsMojo has made a few videos to commemorate it. I thought of doing a list of my top 10 Amy moments, either involving Sheldon or Penny and Bernadette. It was pretty difficult, but it's definitely a different list than theirs. I stopped watching a while ago, so most of their entries were new to me. My list contains entries that stood out to me but I don't necessarily 100% like and others that made me laugh.

10. The chair. Penny drags in a chair off the street that happens to have a rat living in it. As Penny and Amy run down the stairs screaming, Penny asks her not to tell Sheldon in order to avoid an "I told you so." Amy agrees but says she'll have to tell her doctor because the rat may have given her a disease. Penny says that that's fair. The chair is later picked up by Howard and Raj.

9. Ditching movie night for girls night. "I'm a girl." While Amy missed out on waiting in line and getting thwarted by Wil Wheaton, Amy opted to participate in girls night for the first time. Good for her.

8. The tiara. While an honorable mention on the MsMojo list, I tapped this moment for its silliness as Amy's mood turns on a dime once Sheldon gives her this gift. "I'm a princess and this is my tiara. Put it on me!"

7. Speaking of, there was the time when Amy and Bernadette went to Disneyland with Penny instead of attending the lecture they were guest speakers at as female scientists. They ended up adding their two cents over the phone while made up as Disney princesses with a drunken Penny suffering in the background. It made for a memorable Women's Day episode nonetheless.

6. Her harp playing. She plays (and sings) "The Girl from Ipanema" and Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive" in different episodes, usually followed by an interruption involving Sheldon, whether she's pining for him or waiting for him to join in.

5. Too much coffee liqueur. Penny complains to Amy and Bernadette about Priya while serving them ice cream with coffee liqueur on top. Amy uses too much and becomes intoxicated, taunting Priya when they leave the apartment. Penny has too apologize for her, stating that she's had too much ice cream.

4. Speaking of, Amy's first kiss with Sheldon also involved her being drunk. Sheldon asks to talk to "smart Amy." After they kiss, Amy gets up and says, "Please don't take this as a commentary on what we just did" and goes to the bathroom to throw up. Sheldon takes care of her before leaving. Dialogue earlier in the episode had Amy saying things like "You smell like baby powder" and "My burps taste like cranberry juice."

3. Amy tricks her mother into thinking she and Sheldon are sexually active to get her off her back. This was earlier in the series where Amy and Sheldon enjoyed defying social norms together before their relationship became more serious. I chose this moment over their meme experiment when they lied to their friends about Amy being pregnant, though both showcase the two scheming together and having fun.

2. Threatening to leave Sheldon for a horse breeder named Armin. Frustrated by Sheldon's choosing a gaming marathon over her family function, Amy threatens him with the imaginary boyfriend that she used to have to use to placate her family. This works about as well as you'd expect. "Armin who?" "Damn it."

1. Giving Sheldon instructions for giving himself a shoulder massage. This moment shows the great amount of trust between them. Sheldon exclaims, "My hands are magic!" to which Amy responds, "They are dumb instruments guided by my knowledge of the human body. I could have just as easily paralyzed you."

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