Friday, November 21, 2014

Cinderella's Castle

Saw the trailer for Cinderella this week, also the Cinema Sins video for Maleficent. Maleficent was always different from the other fairies, but the movie made her look more like Hawk Girl in her native state. The weakness to iron also seemed like cheating, especially since Aqua's team-up with Prince Phillip against her in BBS was so awesome. I know some people like the Maleficent movie better than the old Sleeping Beauty, but Disney's animated Cinderella is irreplaceable to me. I didn't want to see Maleficent, and I probably won't see Cinderella either. It'll be like a Tim Burton movie with Helena Bonham Carter as the fairy godmother, even though it isn't. She should have swapped roles with Meryl Streep from Into the Woods. As for the name Cinderella, I always thought it was prettier than just plain Ella; I didn't know it was an insult. It sounds fiery and awesome, speaking to her inner strength.

I've lost interest in Castle after all this wedding nonsense happened. I don't appreciate the disappearance twist. The parallel universe episode was also a stretch. I'm used to the episodes being set up like the murder case appears to be something crazy but can usually be solved by normal means. The parallel universe artifact being legitimate is too much like Warehouse 13, which isn't bad, but I like to keep the two separate. But Castle and Beckett are married now. Woohoo. Whatever.

Anyone else find it funny that on NCIS, Abby is dating a man named Bert, like her hippo?

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