Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kagemiya Sayuri part 5

Chapter 5: Closure (This is where the story takes another dramatic turn to address issues that had been brought up before, but it's not something I'm currently dealing or have ever dealt with)

Ienzo felt bad for prying, but he had to know. Ansem had to have done a background check when he'd interviewed Kagemiya as a potential babysitter. He was shocked and saddened when he read about her mother's cause of death.
Ansem caught him going through his papers. "Ienzo? What are you doing in my office at this time of night?"
"Kage-san had told me that her mother was dead, but she didn't tell me what had happened. Given her recent health problems, I was worried the two might be connected. I didn't think it would be anything like this."
"It's terrible, isn't it?" Ansem sympathized, taking the papers away from him and putting them back in the drawer. "If she wanted you to know, she would've told you. What will you do now that you have this information?"
"I'll try to forget it, I guess, but I don't know if I can. I mean, how can someone take their own life when they've got little kids at home depending on them?"
"I don't know. You shouldn't upset her by talking about this, Ienzo. It would be detrimental to her health and recovery."
    After a few days, Ienzo tried again to work up the nerve to ask about her mother without giving away what he now knew. "The same disease that killed my mother killed Even's mother as well. He had us both tested but didn't find any trace of it in our cells, so we're not sure if it's genetic or not. Do you think your arrhythmia could be genetic?"
    "It's highly likely. Heart problems do run in the family. My mom's father died of a heart attack when she was nine."
    Ienzo looked shocked then saddened. "Oh. That's awful."
    "Yeah, it was very sudden. You can't always predict these things."
    "Your grandmother must have been a very strong person."
    "She was, much stronger than Mom. That's why it was hard losing her too."
    Ienzo proceeded with caution. "Was your mom in bad health?"
    "She became depressed and started saying crazy things. I didn't understand until it was too late."
    He could see that she was starting to get upset and squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry."
    "It's okay."
    "No it isn't. Losing people suddenly really sucks. That's why I thought we could talk about it, but..."
    "You can always talk to me if you want."
    "No, I came here with the intention of finding out more about your problems so we could bond over them, but it isn't my place to do so. All I've done is upset you."
    Kagemiya hugged him. "No you didn't. You were concerned about me, just like the day I showed up at the castle crying because my grandmother had died. You've all been so nice to me, probably more than a commoner like me deserves."
    Ienzo was taken aback by that last comment the most. "Whoa. None of us sees you like that."
    They heard someone clear his throat and looked up to see Isa standing there. "Kagemiya..."
    "Isa," Kagemiya responded.
    "Lea told me you were in pretty rough shape when he saw you. Are you all right now?"
    "I'm on the mend."
    "That's good." He paused, staring at them. "It seems like the two of you are always together."
    Ienzo took slight offense. "It's because we're friends."
    "Yeah, Lea told me that too."
    "What else did he say?" Kagemiya inquired.
    Isa looked guilty. "He said that you guys had forgiven us for what we did to you, but I thought I'd come over and apologize anyway." He bowed his head. "Sorry." With that, he took off again.

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