Friday, November 14, 2014

More What Ifs

I read that "van-van" is a term for a Hoodoo cleansing of stagnant energy from a house, specifically a floor wash made from certain herbs (lol that's the power of Pine-Sol). It could also be a cute nickname for Vanitas. Also, it would be cool if Goodnight Moon existed in the KH universe, among other books (theoretically, of course).
    Zexion sat on a couch in the lobby reading late into the night. He was having trouble keeping his eyes open but struggled against sleep to finish the chapter. Nearby, Mikage was finishing that day's cleaning. Lexaeus walked in and noticed him. He gently put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey. Time for bed." Reluctantly, Zexion closed the book and stood up stiffly, having been sitting there for hours. "I'm here to take Mikage back to her cell. Can you make it there on your own?"
    "Goodnight, then. Mikage, let's go."
    Mikage looked up and acknowledged them. "Okay. Goodnight, Zexion-chan."
    "Night." Zexion was too tired to reproach her for using -chan.
    Zexion found his room and climbed into bed. The Kingdom Hearts moon was shining brightly in the window. Goodnight, moon, he thought. He remembered a story his parents used to read to him when he was little. One page was blank with the words "Goodnight nobody;" that took on a different meaning for him now. He tried to remember how it ended; he would usually fall asleep by that point until he was old enough not to need it anymore. "Goodnight stars...Goodnight air...Goodnight noises everywhere."
Contrast this with a take on their first night as Nobodies...
Vexen tried to go to sleep, but his mind was racing. I have to find my heart...I have to find everyone's hearts, he thought. What was Xehanort thinking when he- He was suddenly startled by someone appearing at the foot of his bed.
"I can't find it," Zexion muttered pathetically. He was still kind of a zombie.
"I can't find it," he repeated more clearly.
"Can't find what?"
"My heart...I can't find it."
Vexen sighed and got up out of bed. "We'll retrieve them someday. Go back to your room, Zexion."
"That's not my name."
"It is now. The Superior said-"
"My mom and dad gave me a name. I want them back. I want to go home."
"We all want things...but we can't go back. Not until we fix what happened to us." He wondered why Zexion was getting so upset without a heart, but he chalked it up to his memories playing havoc on his systems. He put a hand on his back and ushered him to his room. "Go to sleep," he instructed once they were there.
Zexion stared at him blankly. "I can't."
"That makes two of us." Vexen disappeared without tucking him in.

So it looks like we're getting a live action Suicide Squad movie. I was just saying that we needed a live action Harley Quinn (the fan film Harley I saw was pretty good though). CCH Pounder has always provided the voice for Amanda Waller, but I wonder who they would cast to play her in live action? Would they still have her do it? She's currently in NCIS: New Orleans, so I don't know how much time she'd have to do other things.

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