Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Seriously, This Is Still Happening?

This week the Critic did another commercials special. One segment had Ninja Turtles toys, which he mocked as scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas for them. At the end of the segment, he got in a joke about Venus being pregnant for a toy idea. Really, you're going to go there? I don't even care at this point whether you like her or not. That was a tasteless joke. I have nothing against Doug, it's just his character who's an ass (as has been proven multiple times). He's not the only one, though. It seems almost all the critics who have reviewed this year's Michael Bay Turtles have said "It's not as bad as Next Mutation" and made fun of her. It's been over ten years. We should probably stop talking about her. But people still persist, and I must air my grievances. Hail Zeon is pretty much the only one who defends the show and her, and I respect him for that.
Now that we're headed into a new era of TMNT with a new generation to grow up with them, the kids today might just do their research. It's not hard; we nostalgic types have made it very easy. I can only imagine trying to raise a little girl and have her ask why there isn't a girl turtle. What would I tell her? "There was one, sweetie, but people didn't like her and were mean to her, so she's not in the picture anymore and never should have been?" That does not set a good example and is pretty heartbreaking. I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but it is pretty heartbreaking for me every time I hear someone complaining about or making fun of her. It's just a character after all. If my being sensitive is inappropriate, then so is everyone else being a dick about it. As I may have mentioned before, I didn't fit in when I was growing up. As Venus didn't fit in either, I could relate to her. After all, she didn't ask to be created, just like none of us asked to be born. Her running off to Central Park to sulk and saying sadly that she wanted her world back (her master had just died in her arms, by the way) should really shame people more than it does (which seems to be not at all).
To any new Turtles fans reading this, withhold your judgement until you've considered all the facts. If you don't think you'd like Next Mutation, then just don't watch it. If you do want to see it out of morbid curiosity, just give her a chance. The show itself may not be the greatest thing ever, but it has good ideas; whether or not she was one of them is in the mind of the beholder. I just don't want to have to have this discussion again because my immature peers won't let this die and leave well enough alone.
(Note: This blogger does not support the idea of the Turtles not being related to each other. Before Venus, her favorite Turtle was Raphael.)

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