Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sauce and Satisfaction

I must admit that I did go to a McDonald's on Szechuan Sauce Day to see if I could get one, and of course I couldn't. I didn't mind except for the fact that one sauce packet is the perfect sample size for people who may not end up liking it. Anyone can go to the store and get a bottle of szechuan sauce, but Rick specified McDonald's, so that's how this shit got started. However, I heard that combining barbecue sauce and sweet and sour sauce produces a close facsimile, so I decided to try that. McDonald's has the best sweet and sour sauce anyway, so I got that with my six-piece nuggets. I saved the extra one (they give you two if you don't specify a number - they do have those kiosks where you can place your specific order yourself now) and dumped it into a bowl. I added barbecue sauce and some teriyaki marinade (I cooked teriyaki beef at home once - delicious) and stirred it together. The results were pretty good, though I have nothing to compare it to. Szechuan sauce is supposed to be spicy, and I don't handle spice all that well, but this had a slow burn to it (I assume - it could've been the seasoning on the popcorn chicken I heated up in the oven). 

I finished reading the Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide, and it did not disappoint. I look forward to future campaign books about the other continents, which were summarized in a section called "Beyond Tal'Dorei." While he said we can run campaigns taking place in any point of the history covered in the show, the book is written to take place after the fall of the Chroma Conclave and before the rise of Vecna (though the coming of the Whispered One is hinted at). Each area has quests, either low-level ones Vox Machina has probably done or future ones they never got around to; these hint at menacing things that were going on while our heroes were busy elsewhere or may have happened had they decided to venture beyond the end of the main campaign. There were a lot of weird grammar mistakes, the kind made by a tired student switching between phrasings and forgetting to entirely delete the first one, or typing a word twice without realizing, or accidentally using an incorrect but similar term. Such things I'm familiar with, but since it's Matt and it took so long between pre-order and arrival, I'm not going to let it bother me that much (but it does bother me because I do it too). If you're looking for a Vox Machina timeline or character guide, then I'm afraid this isn't it. Looking forward to the comics anthology next year and Xanathar's Guide to Everything at the end of next month. Is the fan art book just fan art or is there supposed to be something else to it?

I'm enjoying the Duck Tales reboot, but I don't exactly like how dumb they've made Launchpad. He's Patrick Star levels of stupid in this one (though I will admit he is a man-child - bring on DW!).

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I got the Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide finally, and I will have more to say on that once I have actually read it (my man called first dibs on it). It's sad that the campaign has come to an end after the five years they've been playing it, but the next campaign will take place after a timeskip. My only regret is that in a previous episode when Garmelie was choking Vax to death (since Vax couldn't die until they defeated Vecna), Liam and Matt didn't do a scene where Vax returned to the Raven Queen before she sent him back to the group in which she comments on how he ended up there. "Really?"

Nomura's claiming that Lauriam doesn't become Marluxia, that he's his own person. Sure, dude, that's why you gave him the same hair and face, name anagram, and personality. Blaine is also now "Brain," which is even dumber and has prompted people to refer to the duo as Pinky and the Brain. People were saying he looks like Zexion but obviously isn't him, but may be related to him (we don't know who Ienzo's dead parents are), and that if Lauriam isn't Marluxia he may be related to the person who does become him. Keep in mind that Marluxia was originally supposed to be female and the name was supposed to anagram to something like Lumaria. Since he trolled us with introducing Strelitzia as the fifth union leader and killing her off (What about that, Nomura? Did Lauriam do that no matter who you say he is or isn't?), so how much of this is trolling and how much is backpedaling to keep the fandom guessing? I'm not amused. He also says the Union Cross storyline wouldn't be resolved in KHIII, which means it'll be completed in Union Cross or another spinoff or heaven forbid KHIV. He'd better make good on his promise to get into the backstories of all the Organization members, or was that a lie too? That's really all I care about at this point - closure. No more convoluted complications. Another bit of news was revealing Sora's height and birthday. The main problem I have with giving the main character the original release date as their birthday by default is that it's not fair to the rest of the characters and is somewhat unoriginal.

Photobucket really doesn't want me to share what I store to my bucket. I had a hard time copying the links for the pics that I just made about Lauriam and Tempest. (Lol, Lauriam just auto-corrected to Laur-I-Am)

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friendship is What?

The MLP comic about Pinkie forcing Dash to eat her pies came out a week and a half before the actual episode. I'd say thanks for the spoilers, but it was my decision to read it and not wait. Not that I had to wait very long since the rest of the season was leaked online and it airs tomorrow. It still wasn't very good since it was basically the same thing with a slight variation. The last three episodes were much better, thankfully. I liked them so much more than the movie, and I assume the finale of Legends of Magic later this month will reflect that episode too (especially since Uncommon Bond featured Sunburst taking up a whole train car with his stuff like the previous comic). The movie was not for me. I liked some elements of it but thought it was weaker than the actual series (could've used some John Delancey).

I don't remember Rose Wilson (a.k.a. Ravager) being in the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon (her brother made a cameo in season 5). Maybe if we had gotten a season 6 she would've appeared then. I refuse to believe that it got canceled because too many girls were watching it. That's really dumb. Power Rangers is still ongoing and plenty of girls watch that (I assume; I'm no longer part of that age demographic). It may be male-dominated, but there are female characters to look up to and relate to. As for TTG, the second iteration of TV Knight also included Joker and Penguin, who in the TellTale series are Bruce's "friends" John and Oswald. They also make fun of Two-Face (Bruce's other friend Harvey). It's just annoying that they all make stupid noises instead of talking. The first and last skits were the best, and the rest weren't great. They didn't need two musical segments. And then there was the two-part America's Got Talent parody with the Justice League as judges. It was a mixed bag - what was good was good (Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire) and what was terrible was terrible (Beast Boy and Robin).

The Halloween episode of Power Rangers Ninja Steel was not a clip show but a rematch show. The Rangers were tricked into playing a board game that was a combination of Jumanji and Goosebumps: Terror in the Graveyard. I have that game, and I still remember the commercial for it - "Roll the dice, run for your life."

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Additions and Subtractions

Forgot to mention that Haru's grandpa was able to materialize himself in the real world - even though his real body died and everything. So he's probably not going to last long. Maybe he was responsible for bringing back Yuujin after all. Not enough time passed for Haru to go to college and learn how to do it. And somehow Eri's idol group remained intact even though L-corp dissolved with Leviathan's demise. She didn't have to quit or anything.

I remembered which cartoon had done a 'knocking out teeth for the Tooth Fairy" storyline - it was the original Powerpuff Girls, and I'm fairly certain it was Buttercup who was doing it. It was still a dumb thing to do, but it was handled better in that episode than in Teen Titans Go. Looking back at previous posts, I realize I said I'd thought that "The Night Begins to Shine" was written for the show. My assumption was that if they couldn't afford the birthday song, how could they afford anyone else's music? The four-part follow-up to that episode proved me wrong, and they even got more artists on top of that. They must have made a shit-ton of money in merchandising between then and now. That doesn't give them the right to hog the timeslots, though. Damn you, executive meddling! I've also noticed a lot of typographical errors going back and looking at these things. The program I use doesn't have spell-check, and I'm usually very tired when I'm writing these, but I do apologize nonetheless.

TellTale Batman went in a direction I didn't expect, what with Bruce having to go undercover for Waller (which goes about as well as you'd expect since she's the absolute worst). The concept of being John's (Joker's) wingman is kind of fun, seeing as there's barely a relationship between them and Harley already wears the pants in it. However, you, being Bruce, have the option of flirting with her (although she comes onto you, much like Catwoman). This probably goes about as well as when Harvey thought you were getting with Selina whether you actually did or not. John's jealousy is funny for the time being, but if you go for it instead of helping him, it could get ugly real quick. If you chose to head off Bane instead of Harley, you may also have to help John get her out of jail next time. Social Link Go!?

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Beat Down

Smokey the Bear effectively trounced McGruff the Crime Dog in the most recent Death Battle. Funnily enough, they had some very meaningful voice actors portraying them. In essence, Vegeta/Piccolo beat the crap out of Mr. Satan. Not the ones from Team Four Star, either - the official voices from Funimation. I thought it would be a more even fight as these often are, but it was pretty one-sided, as Smokey is a monster who can grow huge, and the only weapons McGruff has are vehicles, which proved to be useless.

Matt Mercer's book is slated to come out October 17, although my pre-order still says that no date is available and they'll email me when there is. Same thing with Xanathar's Guide to Everything - it comes out November 21, but the pre-order doesn't give a delivery date. The FNAF guide had a delivery date, so maybe it's just a D&D thing? Speaking of Matt, he voices Hit in DragonBall Super.

I felt cheated by Part 5 of Digimon Tri. We were spoiled with something bad happening to Tai and then to Kari, and the appearance of Gatomon's corrupted Mega, but that all happened at the end and will be dealt with in Part 6. As was pointed out to me by one of my friends, the poster of Part 6 includes Wizardmon's hat. He's a ghost in the human world, so he can't come back, but maybe Gatomon remembers him after all? Or this is a bullshit fan fic and nothing has to make sense because fuck you. We're also treated to a scene of Himekawa in the Dark Ocean firing a gun at some Digimon (probably the same ones who came after Kari in season 2). Also, evil Gennai hangs upside down like Myotismon. Coincidence? Maybe. As for Appmon, Offmon doesn't like what's happening and wants them to save Yuujin. At first it doesn't look like they'll be able to do that since Leviathan downloads itself into his body, but the ending shows he was able to come back after all, even though he chose to terminate himself in the deep web to defeat Leviathan. It also took me this long to realize that the pouches that Rei drinks that say "Choo Choo" on them is a Legend of Zelda reference (chuchu jelly).