Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I got the Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide finally, and I will have more to say on that once I have actually read it (my man called first dibs on it). It's sad that the campaign has come to an end after the five years they've been playing it, but the next campaign will take place after a timeskip. My only regret is that in a previous episode when Garmelie was choking Vax to death (since Vax couldn't die until they defeated Vecna), Liam and Matt didn't do a scene where Vax returned to the Raven Queen before she sent him back to the group in which she comments on how he ended up there. "Really?"

Nomura's claiming that Lauriam doesn't become Marluxia, that he's his own person. Sure, dude, that's why you gave him the same hair and face, name anagram, and personality. Blaine is also now "Brain," which is even dumber and has prompted people to refer to the duo as Pinky and the Brain. People were saying he looks like Zexion but obviously isn't him, but may be related to him (we don't know who Ienzo's dead parents are), and that if Lauriam isn't Marluxia he may be related to the person who does become him. Keep in mind that Marluxia was originally supposed to be female and the name was supposed to anagram to something like Lumaria. Since he trolled us with introducing Strelitzia as the fifth union leader and killing her off (What about that, Nomura? Did Lauriam do that no matter who you say he is or isn't?), so how much of this is trolling and how much is backpedaling to keep the fandom guessing? I'm not amused. He also says the Union Cross storyline wouldn't be resolved in KHIII, which means it'll be completed in Union Cross or another spinoff or heaven forbid KHIV. He'd better make good on his promise to get into the backstories of all the Organization members, or was that a lie too? That's really all I care about at this point - closure. No more convoluted complications. Another bit of news was revealing Sora's height and birthday. The main problem I have with giving the main character the original release date as their birthday by default is that it's not fair to the rest of the characters and is somewhat unoriginal.

Photobucket really doesn't want me to share what I store to my bucket. I had a hard time copying the links for the pics that I just made about Lauriam and Tempest. (Lol, Lauriam just auto-corrected to Laur-I-Am)


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