Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Beat Down

Smokey the Bear effectively trounced McGruff the Crime Dog in the most recent Death Battle. Funnily enough, they had some very meaningful voice actors portraying them. In essence, Vegeta/Piccolo beat the crap out of Mr. Satan. Not the ones from Team Four Star, either - the official voices from Funimation. I thought it would be a more even fight as these often are, but it was pretty one-sided, as Smokey is a monster who can grow huge, and the only weapons McGruff has are vehicles, which proved to be useless.

Matt Mercer's book is slated to come out October 17, although my pre-order still says that no date is available and they'll email me when there is. Same thing with Xanathar's Guide to Everything - it comes out November 21, but the pre-order doesn't give a delivery date. The FNAF guide had a delivery date, so maybe it's just a D&D thing? Speaking of Matt, he voices Hit in DragonBall Super.

I felt cheated by Part 5 of Digimon Tri. We were spoiled with something bad happening to Tai and then to Kari, and the appearance of Gatomon's corrupted Mega, but that all happened at the end and will be dealt with in Part 6. As was pointed out to me by one of my friends, the poster of Part 6 includes Wizardmon's hat. He's a ghost in the human world, so he can't come back, but maybe Gatomon remembers him after all? Or this is a bullshit fan fic and nothing has to make sense because fuck you. We're also treated to a scene of Himekawa in the Dark Ocean firing a gun at some Digimon (probably the same ones who came after Kari in season 2). Also, evil Gennai hangs upside down like Myotismon. Coincidence? Maybe. As for Appmon, Offmon doesn't like what's happening and wants them to save Yuujin. At first it doesn't look like they'll be able to do that since Leviathan downloads itself into his body, but the ending shows he was able to come back after all, even though he chose to terminate himself in the deep web to defeat Leviathan. It also took me this long to realize that the pouches that Rei drinks that say "Choo Choo" on them is a Legend of Zelda reference (chuchu jelly).

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