Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sauce and Satisfaction

I must admit that I did go to a McDonald's on Szechuan Sauce Day to see if I could get one, and of course I couldn't. I didn't mind except for the fact that one sauce packet is the perfect sample size for people who may not end up liking it. Anyone can go to the store and get a bottle of szechuan sauce, but Rick specified McDonald's, so that's how this shit got started. However, I heard that combining barbecue sauce and sweet and sour sauce produces a close facsimile, so I decided to try that. McDonald's has the best sweet and sour sauce anyway, so I got that with my six-piece nuggets. I saved the extra one (they give you two if you don't specify a number - they do have those kiosks where you can place your specific order yourself now) and dumped it into a bowl. I added barbecue sauce and some teriyaki marinade (I cooked teriyaki beef at home once - delicious) and stirred it together. The results were pretty good, though I have nothing to compare it to. Szechuan sauce is supposed to be spicy, and I don't handle spice all that well, but this had a slow burn to it (I assume - it could've been the seasoning on the popcorn chicken I heated up in the oven). 

I finished reading the Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide, and it did not disappoint. I look forward to future campaign books about the other continents, which were summarized in a section called "Beyond Tal'Dorei." While he said we can run campaigns taking place in any point of the history covered in the show, the book is written to take place after the fall of the Chroma Conclave and before the rise of Vecna (though the coming of the Whispered One is hinted at). Each area has quests, either low-level ones Vox Machina has probably done or future ones they never got around to; these hint at menacing things that were going on while our heroes were busy elsewhere or may have happened had they decided to venture beyond the end of the main campaign. There were a lot of weird grammar mistakes, the kind made by a tired student switching between phrasings and forgetting to entirely delete the first one, or typing a word twice without realizing, or accidentally using an incorrect but similar term. Such things I'm familiar with, but since it's Matt and it took so long between pre-order and arrival, I'm not going to let it bother me that much (but it does bother me because I do it too). If you're looking for a Vox Machina timeline or character guide, then I'm afraid this isn't it. Looking forward to the comics anthology next year and Xanathar's Guide to Everything at the end of next month. Is the fan art book just fan art or is there supposed to be something else to it?

I'm enjoying the Duck Tales reboot, but I don't exactly like how dumb they've made Launchpad. He's Patrick Star levels of stupid in this one (though I will admit he is a man-child - bring on DW!).

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