Thursday, October 5, 2017

Additions and Subtractions

Forgot to mention that Haru's grandpa was able to materialize himself in the real world - even though his real body died and everything. So he's probably not going to last long. Maybe he was responsible for bringing back Yuujin after all. Not enough time passed for Haru to go to college and learn how to do it. And somehow Eri's idol group remained intact even though L-corp dissolved with Leviathan's demise. She didn't have to quit or anything.

I remembered which cartoon had done a 'knocking out teeth for the Tooth Fairy" storyline - it was the original Powerpuff Girls, and I'm fairly certain it was Buttercup who was doing it. It was still a dumb thing to do, but it was handled better in that episode than in Teen Titans Go. Looking back at previous posts, I realize I said I'd thought that "The Night Begins to Shine" was written for the show. My assumption was that if they couldn't afford the birthday song, how could they afford anyone else's music? The four-part follow-up to that episode proved me wrong, and they even got more artists on top of that. They must have made a shit-ton of money in merchandising between then and now. That doesn't give them the right to hog the timeslots, though. Damn you, executive meddling! I've also noticed a lot of typographical errors going back and looking at these things. The program I use doesn't have spell-check, and I'm usually very tired when I'm writing these, but I do apologize nonetheless.

TellTale Batman went in a direction I didn't expect, what with Bruce having to go undercover for Waller (which goes about as well as you'd expect since she's the absolute worst). The concept of being John's (Joker's) wingman is kind of fun, seeing as there's barely a relationship between them and Harley already wears the pants in it. However, you, being Bruce, have the option of flirting with her (although she comes onto you, much like Catwoman). This probably goes about as well as when Harvey thought you were getting with Selina whether you actually did or not. John's jealousy is funny for the time being, but if you go for it instead of helping him, it could get ugly real quick. If you chose to head off Bane instead of Harley, you may also have to help John get her out of jail next time. Social Link Go!?

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