Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Get Out of My Head

Looks like I have another entry to add to the "Times the Power Rangers were A-holes" list. The Rangers took their Beast Bots for granted, complaining when they seemingly messed up to the point where Devon and Ravi were glad when Cruise and Smash got their memories erased. The only time the original Rangers treated Alpha that way was when they were made to be evil. Smash was my favorite, and Cruise is voiced by Kelson Henderson. I've even warmed up to Jax, even though he's basically Danny DeVito's Detective Pikachu in an R2D2 body. While the Digimon Fusion theme bothered me, the same isn't true of Beast Morphers. The electronica just works. However, it's placed further into the episode than usual to the point where they should just lead with it. As for the newest episode, Nate built himself a robot brother, and now they're Rangers. I should look up what the Sentai dynamic is too, since it's probably a little different. I'm glad the commander didn't panic when she found out Nate was missing (especially after Zoey said they left him in the woods) after how angry she was when she told Nate he couldn't leave alone. Nate can definitely handle himself with a blaster and only acts like a wimp.

I've been thinking about Disney "wing man" songs recently, mostly because "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" from Hercules has been stuck in my head for a good while now. They're songs in which supporting characters urge one or both romantic leads to just go for it. The most obvious of these would be "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid, as it's the whole point of the movie. "That's How You Know" from Enchanted is another one, with Giselle giving instructions. I'm not sure if "Beauty and the Beast" counts, as it is sung about them rather than at them. "Bella Notte" from Lady and the Tramp is also like that, providing atmosphere rather than abject encouragement. Then there are the ones from Frozen and Hunchback of Notre Dame, which are hit-or-miss depending on what you think of the characters singing them. Frozen's "Fixer-Upper" has the trolls, Kristoff's adopted(?) family, imploring Anna to give him a chance, though neither one is interested. These are the same trolls who gave the screwed-up advise about handling Elsa's powers in the first place, so it's hard for me to like them, or this song. The gargoyles in Hunchback do a similar thing with "A Guy Like You" sung to Quasimodo. The point of the movie isn't to get together with Esmerelda (Kristoff and Anna's relationship is left ambiguous), so this ends up going nowhere, but it raises Quasi's confidence at least. There's also an anti-wing man song in Forte's "Don't Fall in Love" from Beauty and the Beast's Enchanted Christmas, which does the opposite and is heinous. 

Episode 4 of Fruits Basket turned into its own thing. Kagura's visit wasn't as extreme as it was portrayed here. Kagura definitely didn't pile drive Kyo through the floor and the dining table. They moved up the fried egg flashback too. Thinking that Marron will grow up to be like Android 18 makes me smile though. I also love Laura's performance.

My store got the strawberry version of Poptarts cereal, so I bought that. It at least tastes like strawberry PopTarts and not just Krave. I also tried strawberry Rice Krispies. The milk quickly turned into strawberry Quick, which used to make me sick as a kid. It's fine now, but it's weird because it's not chocolate.

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