Tuesday, April 2, 2019


CBS put the rest of Survivor behind a pay wall, so hopefully their Youtube channel will give me the information I need. Spoiler: it doesn't, so I have to rely on other channels as well.

I've been working on the KH3 edition of Mikage, specifically on scenes we didn't get to see between Vexen and Xigbar. One was the point at which Xigbar tells Vexen they need to recruit Demyx and also that he's not going to return to Radiant Garden with him when this is over. Vexen is understandably shocked and upset by this. Later, since Xigbar is still a Nobody and has a yellow eye, Demyx and Vexen have to die in order to be reconstituted and return to normal. Although his guns disappear after he fakes his death, I wrote that he uses them to mercy kill Demyx and Vexen, who aren't having much luck ending each other. Also, I added a scene in which Isa reconstitutes in the lab (assuming he was turned back into a Nobody right there on the spot as the "lucky pick") with everyone just standing there having just welcomed Even and Myde back. He apologizes to Kagemiya and admits that killing everyone at Castle Oblivion was his idea, not Lea's. Now she's pissed at both of them, but Ienzo is actually the one to convince her to give them another chance. She and Ienzo are both invited to Destiny Islands for the final scene, where she does finally accept Isa's apology (Lea never apologized after the fact, just asked for a hug and never got one, oops). They reboot their friendship, and maybe Kagemiya ends up with Isa after all (but if this was a choose your own adventure story, it would be up to the reader). The reason being is that, ignoring everything that happened with the Organization, Isa was probably the most reliable - even though he's bad at talking about his feelings (like jealousy), and that's why he goes berserk. Speaking of the final scene, it reminds me a lot of the end of the Wild Force/Time Force crossover, so that audio is in my head too. Both have a foot race, but KH had frisbee instead of arm wrestling. I await the fan comic(s) featuring Isa-puppy catching the frisbee in his mouth; old habits die hard.

Speaking of KH fan comics, I would like to dub some more in the future. Last time I did one, it was to celebrate 150 subscribers. Right now I have 189, so I could potentially do one for 200, but I don't want to wait that long. I want to do more fun content since I barely do anything these days (seriously, my only open projects are the holiday video and the next ongoing Power Rangers  video). I've got some good candidates lines up already, and I'm looking forward to giving it a try again.

Also, three things I keep forgetting to mention: How great is it that Demyx calls Marluxia "Marly" in KH3? And there were no nukes on the MGSV server around Christmas last year?! I forgot about the Zodiac this year because Photobucket's been giving me trouble. I was this close to making a full cycle.

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