Saturday, April 6, 2019

Sounds Familiar

Beast Morphers: Nate might have been designed to be Billy, but now he's reminding me more if Ienzo. In last week's episode, another delayed Valentine's episode, he was out buying flowers for someone (we later find out it's Zoey) when a monster attacks. He's punished because he's a valuable asset and now isn't allowed to leave the premises on his own. Just like Ienzo, he was out minding his own business when something happened and is now grounded for life. This should become a plot point later on, as should his parents. RPM took place in an alternate universe, and there's already a rogue AI on the loose, but keeping a smart teenager inside and not letting them leave or have privacy is what led to Dr. K unleashing the Venjix virus. We have four more episodes before the hiatus, and the midseason finale promises the villains to have unexpected help. Who could that be?

Thoughts on Spring Breakdown: Somebody get AJ some dremamine or a bucket, stat. Rainbow Dash yells "EVIL!" so many times she might as well be Mermaid Man. Sunset doesn't get anything to do on the ship; she doesn't really get to do anything individual anymore. I'd ask why there are no adults other than some of the ship's staff parents of small children, but Celestia and Luna are useless; they at least went to camp, though. The section where everything's going wrong with the ship while the group in Ponyville wastes time with fondue and small talk went on for too long; guess they had to pad this out. It turned out to be an underwhelming sequel to the MLP movie. PotterBrony seems pretty cool.

The Fruits Basket reboot is here! It's nice to hear the old voices again, even if they are saying "Honda" slightly differently now that we've had experience with the Japanese language than years prior when the first series came out. The only new voice I had a problem with is Hana's, but her old voice sounded perfect and this one isn't whispery enough. Motoko also looked weird with black hair and black ribbons. I remember her looking more like Osana from Yandere Simulator.

Pop Tarts and Peeps cereals arrived where I work, but I've only seen brown sugar cinnamon and not strawberry like Brad had. It's always been my favorite anyway. I'm not trying the Peeps cereal for the same reason I'm not trying the powdered donut cereal - it's too much sugar.

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