Saturday, April 13, 2019

Top 10 Times Tiny Tina Was Your Spirit Animal

10. Sing-songing: "Pop Goes the Bandit," "Please," and "You Will Die."

9. Begging Moxxi to be in the show. Maybe she used to watch I Love Lucy, maybe she has no idea who that is. "It's the Tina Show starring me Tiny Tina!"

8. Immediately flopping onto her bed after giving you the quest to bring Flesh Stick to the tea party. "Nap time!"

7. Revenge on Flesh Stick for getting her parents killed. "When you want to start the tea party, please smack Mr. Flesh Stick in his bitch face." This ends with Tina hearing what he has to say and conferring with "Mr. Sparks."

6. Premature detonation. After agreeing to help you blow up the train, Tina builds the bombs and asks you to give the signal. She begins the countdown but fires them off after about two seconds. "I got bored."

5. Destroy the raisins! Nobody likes raisin cookies when under the impression they were chocolate chip, least of all Tina. She orders you to destroy all the vending machines in retaliation. "I just wanted chocolate chip cookies! Why do bad things happen to good people?!"

4. Sweet salad. After being forced to eat salad and like it, Tina comes up with the idea to add cookie crumbs to it (because there's no such thing as adulthood, according to Lillith).

3. Carbo-loading. "Lotta people think you gotta eat protein and stuff if you wanna strength train, but I'm like pffffffffff. Real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies." Lillith points out that after eating nothing but crumpets, Tina should be dead. Tina scoffs at this and says she's gonna live forever.

2. Begging you to get Sully the Stabber's autograph (see "Please") and ordering you to kill him when he refuses. "He Well. There's only one thing to do. Look him in the eye, nod politely, and KILL THE LIVING CRAP OUTTA HIM!" Never meet your heroes indeed.

1. Tina the Dungeon Master (because Ashly Burch), or rather, Bunkers and Badasses. When Mordecai asks why they're playing a kids' game, Tina responds with, "Oh you know maybe because SHUT THE HELL UP MORDY!" It gets more serious when you realize the campaign they're playing is Tina working through her emotions about Jack killing Roland (and Bloodwing).

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