Monday, April 27, 2015


Whenever something bad happens, the thing you want most is the day before back. The day before someone died, for example, or September 10, 2001. It makes me think of two New Year's jingles I remember from my childhood before things got really bad. The first is the Stick Stickly jingle from 1997 that preceded a segment of him reading resolutions that kids had sent in. This was the year before my parents split up. The other is the Cartoon Network jingle from 2001. So much hope and anticipation for a year that turned out to be really crappy. It sounds so sad in retrospect.

When I first saw the title "Tanks for the Memories," I thought they were going to kill off Tank. In reality he was just going into hibernation, but with the way Dash and the others were acting, you'd think he was actually dying, up to and including him digging a hole to hibernate in. The episode even has Dash going through the five stages of grief. There was no letter or diary entry at the end, but you'd think it was an episode teaching kids about death. Sesame Street probably did it better when they covered Mr. Cooper's death, but in that case the actor had actually died. The episode just makes more sense if Tank had died versus gone into hibernation (not that I wanted him to die, especially since Dash hasn't had him as long as the others have had their pets). It made Dash come off as selfish, doing whatever she wants instead of what's best for Tank. 

The theme of "Waves," which I'm still iffy about posting since it's been done to death, is the nature of grief and how to deal with it. Even if some time has already passed, you don't have to apologize for crying. While it can feel like powerful waves striking you down, they will recede over time. You don't have to deal with it alone, either. Also, you should remember to take care of yourself and take things one day at a time.

Friday, April 24, 2015


"Farewell, FamiKamen Rider" was a difficult movie to watch. It's been more than a year since Justin's death, but this made it feel fresh. From sharing real memories of him during "Kickassia" flashbacks to breaking down after SuFamiKamen Rider (Yankii J) got killed, Kaylyn really poured her all into this. From a critical standpoint, it dragged in the beginning, but overall it felt like I was really watching a Kamen Rider film. I definitely shed a few tears by the end of it. Kaylyn's performance of the FamiKamen Rider theme in Japanese over the credits was perfect.

Tales of the Abyss is probably my third favorite game in the series of what I've seen played so far. Although it was one of the darker ones in terms of story, it was a type of darkness I could recognize and have come to expect in my JRPGs (*cough cough* Kingdom Hearts *cough*). I liked the part where Duke Fabre says both of his sons are alive, meaning he's accepted Asch and Luke as two different people. The English cast was amazing, so it really amused me on the whole. It's by no means a perfect game (really, it has problems), but it can be pretty fun. There's even an abridged series or two on YouTube. I plan on making a video about it soon too.

Out of the Persona 4 characters, I think I'm the most like Chie, but I like Yukiko too. Don't know whether that makes me more like one of them or the other since they are best friends, though. I don't really have one anymore. I'm not really sure what my shadow self would be like, either. The darkness of the other me would be pretty intense, that's for sure. Not that I act that my life is sunshine and rainbows all the time, but I often say I'm doing fine or okay when I'm really not.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hey It's Shojo

The comic about the Sirens didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, namely that Starswirl deals with problems he can't solve by sending them to the human world and hoping for the best. The way he had handled it up until then was reminiscent of Batman fighting against rock and roll. Apparently pop is evil because it had been invented by the Sirens because of Sonata chewing gum. Yes, that's as lame as it sounds. The last two will be Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. Unlike the previous three, I'm not sure what there is left  to be explored, but I guess we'll see.

SMC is rocketing forward to that episode in R where Prince Diamond tries to mind control Usagi for his own purposes. Meanwhile, not much else gets resolved except the two Endymions have enough power to kill Emerald, whom Rubeus seemed content to mess with in a way that's unlike him since he's not generally that light-hearted. Also, how is he not dead yet? I'm also a little miffed that Emerald didn't turn into an envy dragon in this version. The funniest part was when Sailor Venus realized she'd landed on everyone and apologized profusely.

Red vs Blue is actually still on Mondays. Not sure why they had it start on a Wednesday at all, then.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Meeting Adjourned

(It really helps if you think of Paul St. Peter's voice when reading Xemnas' thoughts.)

Xemnas had called a meeting in the round room to officially add the two newest members of the Organization to the roster - Saix and Axel. Although they'd been in close proximity to the apprentices at the time their hearts had been stolen, they were not part of the core group. As such, most of them were not happy to see the two except for Xigbar, who observed that Saix had been made part-Xehanort as well; this meant that someone else could take on the responsibility of being Xemnas' right hand man while he sat back and watched it all go down.
As Saix and Axel assumed their seats next to Lexaeus and Zexion, Xemnas took a moment to look over the group. These are the people who cast themselves into the darkness alongside me, some with more prodding than others. Saix's ambitions led him to me in Lord Ansem's absence. He and his friend both wanted to become apprentices, but they had been denied before. I offered him a place at my side, and he took it. Axel...there's something different about him. I don't hold the same sway over him as I do Saix, and I've only been able to assimilate Saix and Xigbar despite holding power over the others as well. I wonder why that is...
He realized they were all waiting for him to speak. "With the addition of these two, we are well on our way to achieving our grand goal. Only a few more remain to be discovered and recruited."
"I don't see why we need to involve outsiders," Vexen scoffed.
"We are going to need all the help we can, IV," Xemnas responded neutrally. He's become more agitated since losing his heart, but other than that I see no real change in his disposition.
"Many hands make light work," Xigbar quipped.
He's clearly enjoying himself, Xemnas thought. Some would say I give him too much leash, but he upheld his end of the bargain. Of course, it helps that he's afraid of me turning my blade on him if he ever disobeys.
"And too many hands spoil the soup," Xaldin grumbled.
He's become gloomy, but his mind is intact at least. His cunning will be an asset so long as he doesn't use it against me."I hope we get along," Zexion said diplomatically, though deep down he didn't trust these newcomers either.
That boy was suspicious of me at first as well. However, he is fragile and as easy to manipulate as the rest. He probably obeys me out of fear too.
"I'm sure we will, as long as we don't get in each other's way," Axel replied off-handedly. Saix smirked briefly, hinting at something ominous.
Lexaeus didn't say much during these meetings; he had his eyes closed most of the time but heard every word, nodding in agreement every now and then. This time, however, his eyes were open, giving a warning look to both Axel and Saix.
Xemnas closed the meeting by spouting more empty platitudes about the Kingdom Hearts moon. "Each of you has a part to play based on your unique abilities. Those strengths will lead us to our ultimate success. Dismissed."
Instead of teleporting away via darkness, they simply lowered their chairs back to the floor and walked out of the room. Xemnas remained behind, preferring to watch them file out first.
"You coming?" Axel asked Saix, who was still standing in front of his chair.
"Go on ahead. I'll catch up," Saix replied disinterestedly.
Axel looked uneasily at Xemnas. "All right. Don't take too long."
"Sir? If I may have a moment..." Saix said walking over to Xemnas.
He follows me around like a dog whenever he wants to talk to me, which is often, Xemnas thought, a little annoyed. This must be what it's like for Lexaeus with Zexion nipping at his heels like a Terrier. That man must have the patience of a saint. He is indeed stalwart.When Xemnas didn't respond to him, Saix continued talking. "I wanted to thank you for trusting me with the responsibilities you have given me."
"Serve me well." While I did make him a part of me, or rather, me a part of him, I cannot take credit for his transformation into a Berserker. On some level, he must have wished for that himself. If I don't keep him under control, he might turn on me.
"Yes, Superior. I will. About our hearts, though..."
Whenever I see flickers of doubt in his eyes such as now, I have to keep stringing him along with the promise of reuniting him with his heart. Out of everyone, he has complained about it the most. I enjoy making him squirm. "In due time, my friend. There are still some necessary elements we have yet to acquire."
"I understand," Saix said after a pause, though there was still some uncertainty in his voice.
"Can I count on you to oversee the arrangements of these tasks?"
"Of course, sir."
"Good. I look forward to the results."
"As do I, Superior."

Monday, April 13, 2015


I can't sing, but I really wish that I could. It's the same with the drums, my instrument of choice. Drums keep the beat, but they can't play the melody; that's not their job, and it probably wouldn't sound as good as a woodwind or brass instrument. Moreover, I also find it difficult to accept Linkara's viewpoint that lyrics on a page are just poetry and not a song. To be fair, I've also given up on poetry, either reading it or writing it. If I'm told I'm not good at things, it's usually because I'm so bad it's not worth the effort to try to improve. In other cases, I'm forced to learn things but not allowed to actually use them.

At first I thought something had happened to Starlight Glimmer to make her jealous of all the other ponies' talents, but maybe she's just crazy. She'll either be back or maybe she'll get her own comic in Fiendship. Either way, locking up a princess is probably treason.

Both Space Jam and Ninja Turtles Next Mutation were seen as a black sheep to the main franchise, particularly the female characters introduced therein. Lola got a reboot in the newest installment of Looney Tunes, while Karai was introduced in newer installments of TMNT instead. To each their own I guess, but I don't think that necessarily makes anyone better or worse than the others. We need to stop apologizing for our so-called guilty pleasures and stop putting each other down for such preferences.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Communist Ponies?

An Orwellian dystopia in a show for little kids, you say? Communist ponies, you say? You are equal parts right and wrong. While the season premiere of season 5 of MLP:FIM does closely resemble such books as 1984 and Animal Farm, it isn't exactly Communist. If it were, the society presented in the episodes would have allowed for the ponies to keep their talents as long as they used them for the greater good; serving crappy muffins helps no one. How would that be different then normal pony society helping everyone? Normal pony society is capitalist, exchanging bits for goods and services. Communism can't work under its own edict that everything belongs to everyone. Citing the Chinese movie To Live, their mistakes came not from everyone having the same abilities (or no abilities) but from shunning established practitioners of medicine and the like, leaving people to die at the hands of the less-experienced and the incompetent (certainly not the intended result).
It's certainly been an odd month so far, but an awesome one. Red vs Blue came back with their 13th season, now airing Wednesday nights instead of the usual Monday nights. Homestuck is entering its final stretch on the 13th, as per tradition. Every week, we're getting a new MLP comic called Fiendship is Magic, which so far has supplied the backstories of Sombra and Tirek (next are the Sirens). Sombra would probably been okay if he hadn't been left in the Crystal Kingdom, since being in close proximity to the Crystal Heart made him physically ill (seriously, anywhere else and he probably would have been fine). Tirek, on the other hand, was always a bad guy, or at least an unrepentant power-hungry douche.

I'd have another Kingdom Hearts fan fiction vignette to put here, but I'd imagine people are sick of me posting stories about certain people sleeping or not sleeping or being sad and other people comforting them. It's called "Waves," and I think I'll keep it to myself. Nothing really new there. I am working on a short story from Xemnas' point of view, though. I don't really have enough information to write a completely accurate account, but I know enough so that it doesn't ring false either. Originally it was going to be Xemnas x Saix, but I thought better of it...mostly because I didn't know how it would start (most of what I've seen doesn't involve any sort of initial contact). Everything I could think of just didn't seem right for their characters; one's distant, the other desperate, but there's no logical way for me to put them on a path together and have it be believable.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Something Something Sailor Moon Crystal

Because that gets people's attention. The video thumbnails make this arc all about Chibi-Usa, and that's beginning to bug me. At least future Mamoru didn't troll his past self by testing his love for Usagi in this version. Thankfully, this Usagi had less of a freakout over the attention Mamoru was giving Chibi-Usa...and then things got surprisingly steamy. Anyway, if this part of the timeline still holds true, I wonder if Pluto is stuck guarding the Gate of Time as punishment for what she does with her powers later on during the events that lead up to the Galaxy Cauldron and Crystal Tokyo. It also makes me wonder if Chibi-Usa is actually equal parts Gohan and Trunks by coincidence...except Trunks could tell who his parents were. Then again, we're supposed to believe no one recognizes them in "disguise," so there's that. Still nothing for Mina, so hopefully we get something on her at some point.

Here's the product of another run of sleep deprivation I've had recently:
Ienzo reached the age where he felt he didn't need to sleep as much. "I don't wanna nap!" he complained when his parents told him to take one.
"Come on. Who doesn't like naps?" Braig asked, butting in. They all gave him strange looks. "Not that I do that on the job. I'm gonna go now."
"If you don't take a nap, you'll have to go to bed early," Marian reasoned.
Ienzo thought it over. "So...if I take a nap, can I stay up late?" he asked, bargaining.
"Nice try," James said.
Ienzo tried to make himself sleep but found that he couldn't. While avoiding his parents, he wandered around until he found Dilan, who was reading The Art of War. "Yes? What is it?" he asked, noticing Ienzo was there.
"My mom and dad say I have to take a nap, but I'm not tired," Ienzo explained.
"All right. Come sit with me." Dilan put down his book and let Ienzo sit on his lap.
"You don't have to stop reading just because I'm here," Ienzo said.
"A boy your age probably wouldn't find it interesting."
"Can you explain it to me?"
Dilan hesitated before explaining it to him in a way the child could understand. "It's a book about battle plans and other such things needed to win wars."
"Do you think you're going to get in a fight?" Ienzo asked, somewhat worried.
"No, but we have to prepare ourselves for anything," Dilan answered. "If you still have trouble sleeping, you're welcome to meditate with Aeleus and me."
"What does 'meditate' mean?"
"It's like resting but for your mind as well as your body."
"Okay, I will."