Monday, April 13, 2015


I can't sing, but I really wish that I could. It's the same with the drums, my instrument of choice. Drums keep the beat, but they can't play the melody; that's not their job, and it probably wouldn't sound as good as a woodwind or brass instrument. Moreover, I also find it difficult to accept Linkara's viewpoint that lyrics on a page are just poetry and not a song. To be fair, I've also given up on poetry, either reading it or writing it. If I'm told I'm not good at things, it's usually because I'm so bad it's not worth the effort to try to improve. In other cases, I'm forced to learn things but not allowed to actually use them.

At first I thought something had happened to Starlight Glimmer to make her jealous of all the other ponies' talents, but maybe she's just crazy. She'll either be back or maybe she'll get her own comic in Fiendship. Either way, locking up a princess is probably treason.

Both Space Jam and Ninja Turtles Next Mutation were seen as a black sheep to the main franchise, particularly the female characters introduced therein. Lola got a reboot in the newest installment of Looney Tunes, while Karai was introduced in newer installments of TMNT instead. To each their own I guess, but I don't think that necessarily makes anyone better or worse than the others. We need to stop apologizing for our so-called guilty pleasures and stop putting each other down for such preferences.

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