Monday, April 20, 2015

Hey It's Shojo

The comic about the Sirens didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, namely that Starswirl deals with problems he can't solve by sending them to the human world and hoping for the best. The way he had handled it up until then was reminiscent of Batman fighting against rock and roll. Apparently pop is evil because it had been invented by the Sirens because of Sonata chewing gum. Yes, that's as lame as it sounds. The last two will be Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. Unlike the previous three, I'm not sure what there is left  to be explored, but I guess we'll see.

SMC is rocketing forward to that episode in R where Prince Diamond tries to mind control Usagi for his own purposes. Meanwhile, not much else gets resolved except the two Endymions have enough power to kill Emerald, whom Rubeus seemed content to mess with in a way that's unlike him since he's not generally that light-hearted. Also, how is he not dead yet? I'm also a little miffed that Emerald didn't turn into an envy dragon in this version. The funniest part was when Sailor Venus realized she'd landed on everyone and apologized profusely.

Red vs Blue is actually still on Mondays. Not sure why they had it start on a Wednesday at all, then.

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