Saturday, April 18, 2015

Meeting Adjourned

(It really helps if you think of Paul St. Peter's voice when reading Xemnas' thoughts.)

Xemnas had called a meeting in the round room to officially add the two newest members of the Organization to the roster - Saix and Axel. Although they'd been in close proximity to the apprentices at the time their hearts had been stolen, they were not part of the core group. As such, most of them were not happy to see the two except for Xigbar, who observed that Saix had been made part-Xehanort as well; this meant that someone else could take on the responsibility of being Xemnas' right hand man while he sat back and watched it all go down.
As Saix and Axel assumed their seats next to Lexaeus and Zexion, Xemnas took a moment to look over the group. These are the people who cast themselves into the darkness alongside me, some with more prodding than others. Saix's ambitions led him to me in Lord Ansem's absence. He and his friend both wanted to become apprentices, but they had been denied before. I offered him a place at my side, and he took it. Axel...there's something different about him. I don't hold the same sway over him as I do Saix, and I've only been able to assimilate Saix and Xigbar despite holding power over the others as well. I wonder why that is...
He realized they were all waiting for him to speak. "With the addition of these two, we are well on our way to achieving our grand goal. Only a few more remain to be discovered and recruited."
"I don't see why we need to involve outsiders," Vexen scoffed.
"We are going to need all the help we can, IV," Xemnas responded neutrally. He's become more agitated since losing his heart, but other than that I see no real change in his disposition.
"Many hands make light work," Xigbar quipped.
He's clearly enjoying himself, Xemnas thought. Some would say I give him too much leash, but he upheld his end of the bargain. Of course, it helps that he's afraid of me turning my blade on him if he ever disobeys.
"And too many hands spoil the soup," Xaldin grumbled.
He's become gloomy, but his mind is intact at least. His cunning will be an asset so long as he doesn't use it against me."I hope we get along," Zexion said diplomatically, though deep down he didn't trust these newcomers either.
That boy was suspicious of me at first as well. However, he is fragile and as easy to manipulate as the rest. He probably obeys me out of fear too.
"I'm sure we will, as long as we don't get in each other's way," Axel replied off-handedly. Saix smirked briefly, hinting at something ominous.
Lexaeus didn't say much during these meetings; he had his eyes closed most of the time but heard every word, nodding in agreement every now and then. This time, however, his eyes were open, giving a warning look to both Axel and Saix.
Xemnas closed the meeting by spouting more empty platitudes about the Kingdom Hearts moon. "Each of you has a part to play based on your unique abilities. Those strengths will lead us to our ultimate success. Dismissed."
Instead of teleporting away via darkness, they simply lowered their chairs back to the floor and walked out of the room. Xemnas remained behind, preferring to watch them file out first.
"You coming?" Axel asked Saix, who was still standing in front of his chair.
"Go on ahead. I'll catch up," Saix replied disinterestedly.
Axel looked uneasily at Xemnas. "All right. Don't take too long."
"Sir? If I may have a moment..." Saix said walking over to Xemnas.
He follows me around like a dog whenever he wants to talk to me, which is often, Xemnas thought, a little annoyed. This must be what it's like for Lexaeus with Zexion nipping at his heels like a Terrier. That man must have the patience of a saint. He is indeed stalwart.When Xemnas didn't respond to him, Saix continued talking. "I wanted to thank you for trusting me with the responsibilities you have given me."
"Serve me well." While I did make him a part of me, or rather, me a part of him, I cannot take credit for his transformation into a Berserker. On some level, he must have wished for that himself. If I don't keep him under control, he might turn on me.
"Yes, Superior. I will. About our hearts, though..."
Whenever I see flickers of doubt in his eyes such as now, I have to keep stringing him along with the promise of reuniting him with his heart. Out of everyone, he has complained about it the most. I enjoy making him squirm. "In due time, my friend. There are still some necessary elements we have yet to acquire."
"I understand," Saix said after a pause, though there was still some uncertainty in his voice.
"Can I count on you to oversee the arrangements of these tasks?"
"Of course, sir."
"Good. I look forward to the results."
"As do I, Superior."

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