Sunday, September 13, 2015


Sir Ivan isn't the Red Ranger's dad, and Prince Phillip isn't the Green Ranger's brother. Even if those two aren't going to be the Gold and Graphite Rangers, I hope they show up later in the series as other colors...or at all. Why show us Matt if he wasn't going to be important again? I hope Tyler's dad is alive too. There are up to four other designations they could be, if even temporarily.

Xehanort as one of the foretellers is a theory, another being that he didn't really go back in history but merely invaded a record of them in the tome of prophecy that people keep talking about. Otherwise, he would've had to have been there, as he can only time travel through wormholes he'd set up previously, as explained in part 2 of the Time Lord Film Theory trilogy. I don't know how I feel about 2.9 being released similar to how Ground Zeroes was released as a separate prologue to the main game. I guess if it's going to take longer to make the main game and they want to give us a little something while we wait that's also a tutorial, it'll be okay. On its own, though, it won't be as much of a game as previous installments between major titles.

I have mixed feelings about the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. I'm not a gamer, but even if I was I don't think I'd play it. However, I am fascinated by the lore and how "complicated" it's gotten, so if the movie puts all of it into perspective, I'd be willing to see it. Chica is my favorite, at least based on the musical. I want to spell it Chika since that's a name in Japanese whereas "chica" is Spanish for "girl," which leads me to believe she was named using the Smurfette Principle. I know she's a chicken and not a duck.

I'll probably wait for reviews of the Goosebumps movie, but the trailer did get me excited.

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