Thursday, September 24, 2015

Spoiler Island

Final thoughts on MGSV- Quiet breaking her silence to save Venom Snake from a bullshit snakebite was a tense moment that would have gotten me right in the feels if it didn't seem so cheap. But what the pilot says to her was kind of cute: "I didn't know you were so talkative, Quiet!" She wasn't as endearing after you find out that she was the one who tried to kill you in the very beginning, though. Also, since this takes place in the middle of the 1980s, wouldn't it be funny if someone made a joke video with tapes from the FNAF phone guy? On a related note, Kingdom Hearts 2.9 is no longer a thing (so why did they release information about it in the first place?), dispelling the notion that the prologue/demo for KHIII would be a separate release like Ground Zeroes (since Kojima and Nomura are friends and possibly in cahoots). Instead, Aqua's story Zero Point Two is the prologue/tech demo, which is why it's for the PS4 (though no Xbox One port like the actual KHIII). Speaking of milking it, with everything that was cut from MGSV, there is sure to be DLC to fill in the blanks (particularly with Liquid's story).

Before, I had spoken of Nomura's low opinion of Vexen and the number four being unlucky in Japan. By contrast, his favorite, Luxord, is number 10, or X, or chi. At first I thought the X sigil that was added to all of the Organization XIII members' names had something to do with Xehanort's name beginning with X. However, it may just be Nomura's own preference for that number/letter and its importance(?) to the story. He also has an obsession with zippers, but that's beside the point.

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