Thursday, September 3, 2015

This Isn't September

It's been hot and humid so far this month, and it's going to continue to be so. There was even heat lightning when I got out of work today. This is less like Indian summer and more like July in September, which is not fun. Pushing carts around is thirsty work; I must have refilled my water bottle three times. Yesterday I got a Manzanita Sol at Taco Bell to get some relief, and today I got an iced coffee from Burger King. Those really hit the spot. Also bought more pumpkin flavored stuff at the store - Mini Wheats and Quaker oatmeal. Haven't tried them yet, but they were new so I decided I should do it.

MGSV reminds me a lot of Arkham Knight. Batman can call for the Batmobile; Snake can call for his horse. Batman beats up thugs for information on Riddler tasks that get placed on the map; Snake interrogates soldiers for information that gets placed on the map. Batman has hallucinations thanks to Joker Toxin; Snake has hallucinations thanks to PTSD and brain damage. The Arkham Knight turned out to be Jason Todd; fans speculate that Quiet is Chico.

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