Thursday, October 1, 2015

Love and Tolerate

I couldn't help but notice the horseshoes slung over the tree branch in Made in Manehattan. It's probably innocent, but if not, that means drug dealers are canon in MLP. As for The Friendship Games, it was definitely a buy-our-toys cash grab. What normal school has motocross? Anyway, I haven't seen it all the way through as I'm waiting for the DVD, but I have seen clips on youtube and read the synopsis on the wiki. "Unleash the Magic" made it seem like Twilight was in a coven of sorts with the principal and students pressuring her into using the magic stored in her locket. In true B horror movie fashion, they abandon her when it goes wrong (although one student does blame the principal for letting it happen). With this installment, I think Sunset has earned main character status for these movies, but I still can't help wondering what the real Sunset of this world is like. Many in the comments I've read think that Sunset should return to Equestria and be in the main show in some capacity.

Next year I'm going to put together a CinemaSins parody video about the first five episodes of Ninja Turtles: Next Mutation with the tagline "No incarnation is without sin." Not only is it to prove that I can point out the flaws in something I liked, but I also thought I'd do it for its own good. I'm sure other people would be a lot harsher with it than I'm going to be, as sins videos usually point out mistakes on a technical frame-by-frame level. I'm not that skilled, so I'll be sticking to the plot holes and sloppy writing, things I just can't agree with. The bonus round will be generalized sins from the rest of the series as a whole, but I'm mainly going to focus on the first five, Raiders of the Story Arc style.

Hetalia surprised me again with giving me another episode I've wanted to see for a long time. Season one focused a lot on how Britain and America became brothers, but now we've finally gotten an episode where France and Britain fought to make Canada their brother as well (even if it didn't last that long). Instead of getting bored with Canada pretty quickly after running excitedly in circles around him, I was hoping America would have hugged him. No such luck, especially with America acting like a spoiled brat around Britain and hogging all the attention.

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