Thursday, October 22, 2015

Check-in Time

I uploaded my Digimon video on Tuesday and it remains untouched by copyright bots. Yay! I also finished this month's story, in which the situation has grown pretty serious. Just in time for RWBY this weekend. I saw the opening sequence, and while it's my least favorite of the three, it is by no means boring. Speaking of, Yang won her death battle against Tifa. I thought for sure Tifa would win, but I'm glad it was Yang. If only Monty were alive to see this.

The ending to Tales from the Borderlands was perfect - very satisfying. Life is Strange, not so much (unless you're Ray and you get to hear Frank reference his beans and you choose to sacrifice Chloe). I didn't particularly like Chloe, but I'm a sucker for rekindling old friendships. It made sense, but it just would have been better if they had a) called the cops as soon as they found Rachel's body and b) warned everyone about the storm and had them evacuate since they believed you about Jefferson for some inexplicable reason. I agree with Ray that the Chloe death ending made the whole game pointless (even though everything else you changed remained, like Kate if you were able to save her). If they still wanted a funeral ending, why not Rachel's? The other ending made it seem like the whole town died and the two of them left for California, which is probably what happened and a bit sick in its own way. The only thing wrong with the ending in the beginning of the episode was that Max went to the art thing and forgot the storm was coming (though who could blame her?).

Teen Titans Go! threw another tantrum. They have to realize that a kids cartoon doesn't have to be juvenile (though not all of it is, most of it's pretty bad). I didn't have any complaints about the art style, but they responded by making it even more deformed. Nothing seems wrong with their emoting as long as they remain true to their established characters (another reason why I think it would have done better with original characters). I enjoyed the episodes about Raven and Trigon, though. Making villains relateable, even if they are horrible, is not that far afield from the old cartoon.

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