Sunday, October 11, 2015

More Out There

Memorable quotes from a recent CR: "I'm not burning a restoration spell on your drunk state!" and "Your kid is weird." I'm trying to channel Pike in my professional life and play similar to Keyleth as my druid character (I would've also reacted to Percy's outburst the same way as well as try to level with another druid). Funny thing is, our host moved house recently to Pike Place, and the road that turns into there is Mercer Street.

The Crusaders got their cutie marks - f*cking finally! They may have waited too long to do this because it almost didn't seem real. Instead of realizing individual talents, they gave them all the talent of helping others with their identity crises (Appleloosa's Most Wanted was still stupid though). Silver Spoon finally kicked Diamond Tiara to the curb, but I feel like it would've made more sense if Tiara hadn't shut her down so that when she lost, Spoon could've said "Oh no. Her mom's going to be so mad at her." As her best friend, she should know what her mother is like. At least Tiara's dad isn't a monster.

I don't know if I want to continue writing for HubPages. It's not a great source of income, and they increased the minimum to fifty dollars instead of ten. I've been there for four and a half years, and I was so close to earning ten dollars, but now it looks like I'll never get paid. It's not a priority for me right now. RWBY starts on the 24th, and I'm in the middle of one of my stories with two to go afterward. If I were to make time to write another Hub article, it would be on the pros and cons of secession. I don't know if it's worth it, though.

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