Tuesday, October 20, 2015

More to the Story

Since I was in the hospital again for a couple of days, you might be wondering if I was going to project that onto my character Sayuri. All that happened was that I needed different medication, so nothing special is going to happen to her if I decide to write anything at all...maybe. I haven't really gotten into it. However, I had one idea for a joke for my Kingdom Hearts 3 story, though. The situation is that the Sayuri and the apprentices aren't sure whether or not Braig is capable of returning to normal or if he even remembers them at all (though attempts have been made, they don't know whether or not they have succeeded). At the end of all that, Ienzo says "Please, Braig. Just be your normal self again." All Braig can say at first is "I'm sorry," which catches everyone off-guard. Then he grabs Ienzo and gives him a noogie. "I'm sorry, but did you say 'Please Braig. Start messing with me again?'"

One of the D&D campaigns I'm playing had a Halloween dungeon side quest. Last weekend we had some memorable moments as we finished it. An out of context quote worthy of the site: "You can't roll for my [elf] eyes!" when one player wanted to roll to know what another saw. There was also a point where we were looking over a room and the men failed their perception checks. The girls didn't, but it turned out to be a laundry room.

The Dino Charge Halloween episode was a clip show as per usual, but there was enough story to trick me into thinking it wasn't. That's a point in its favor (it was actually really good).

Mark Hamill as The Joker as Slappy? Sold. That's not what happened but it was a good idea Brad, Doug, and Rob suggested.

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