Thursday, October 15, 2015


So I couldn't help myself and wrote the secession article anyway and posted it because I found the right pictures to go with it. The ideas just had to come out, even if I wasn't going to get paid for them.

When in doubt, Yesterday I found the top 10 hottest female Power Rangers and the top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh! duels. My favorites weren't on either of those lists, but I respect their decisions...for the most part. They haven't done a top 10 list of the hottest male Power Rangers (I know they at least have girls on their staff), so I'd like them to get on that. I hope the actors are flattered.

I'm hyped for the RWBY game as well as for volume 3 to start on the 24th. I still have to write a couple more pages of my current story by the end of the month. It's kind of a tricky scene I'm on. Next month's story focuses more on the characters themselves before endgame starts, so I'm looking forward to writing that. As for Goosebumps, I read that it got a 7.8 from IGN (whose opinion I don't necessarily respect but it is the only review I've seen so far) and that the ending was lazy. That's all Goosebumps books, though.

I had this weird, spooky dream about Kingdom Hearts. I was with Even and Ienzo, but Even was a ghost for some reason and Ienzo had gotten possessed by something that had come through a portal they had opened. Then I woke up so I can't say anything more. I really wanted to see where this was going, but my alarm clock said otherwise. I'm really hoping I start feeling better soon so I can enjoy more spooky stuff. Getting sick in the beginning of the month really put a damper on things.

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