Monday, October 5, 2015

That Wasn't Fun

I had to go to the hospital again on Friday and didn't get out until Sunday. Now I need a week to recover my strength, plus my arms and hands are bruised from all the needles they stuck in me. I know I was getting run down with the hours I was putting in, but I lost days of work. That's income I'm not getting back. At least I have time to catch up with some stuff. The CSI finale was a little cringe-worthy considering the current climate of mass shootings (they used bombs, but still, terrorism). I understand that it was supposed to end this way from the outset, but some things just felt a little out of place. This isn't the same show as it once was, for better or for worse. I wasn't happy to see Grissom at all. If I were Sara, I wouldn't have gone with him in the end. Overall, these episodes made me feel sad for a lot of reasons.
Otherwise, I dropped all the shows I said I was going to, including New Orleans after the season premiere. There was so much I didn't like about it, and I don't have time to continue. I now have two episodes of Critical Role to catch up on sometime this week, and I have to have at least half of my next story finished by mid-month when my follow-up appointments are. I thought September was busy, but this month is shaping up to be even busier.

McDonald's all-day breakfast starts tomorrow. That's gonna be pretty sweet.

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