Monday, March 21, 2016


I drew more Critical Role fan art, this time of Laura and Mary Elizabeth cosplaying as their characters. I feel bad that Laura almost died again, but I wasn't worried (although if Will hadn't been there it would've been perma-death). I had been in a similar situation myself in one of the games I'm in, except it was possession and not instant death. I too rolled a nat 1 which caused it to happen, but the guy who antagonized the ghost (*cough*Jason*cough*) also apologized to me the same as Taliesin. To this day, he is still super sorry, so I don't believe Taliesin will forget this either. Not that Laura or I are mad, since we rolled poorly and it was just as much our fault.

I'm still thoroughly enjoying Dino Super Charge, especially this past episode "Home Run Koda." Like when Chase was being a dick to Shelby, Riley was being a dick to his best friend Koda, causing his crystal to lose its power. I'm easily ten years older than these characters, so they seem even more like children to me (they're probably written that way because it's a children's show, so there's that). Being a baseball episode, I was immediately hooked since I used to play softball and TJ (a.k.a. best Ranger as far as I'm concerned) had a baseball episode too. The funniest part was when Ivan blew a horn reminiscent of a vuvuzela. These guys are too much.

I know this is late, but I'm glad Leo finally won. Also, I love Trefoils too (Thin Mints are a close second). I've heard they're a dollar more in California. What would be a good idea (but something they probably wouldn't do since Bavarian cream Munchkins have gone the way of the maple frosted donut) is if they injected cream filling into the chocolate glazed Munchkins to make Boston cream Munchkins.

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