Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I'm watching The Amazing Race this season for Burnie and Ashley. There aren't episode recaps for Survivor anymore, so I have to watch it too. I guess I don't mind as much since there is a bounty hunter named Kyle Jason who also happens to be a perfect fusion of my friends Kyle and Jason. Move over, Lirran. Speaking of my friends, we've been playing the new Digimon game together and having a lot of fun. We each chose three Digimon - mine are Lopmon, Gatomon, and Sorcerimon (Jason chose Wizardmon). It feels just like a Persona game, and the graphics are amazing. It's an awesome game for winners.

I found out Ninja Turtles Next Mutation was put out on DVD a couple years ago, so I'm going to get that for my birthday. The only negative feedback I could find was a lack of features (no haters on Amazon, apparently). I don't mind. It's not like Batman and Robin where they actually apologized for making it; they just want to forget it ever happened and move on. Batman and Robin was the Easter Egg I mentioned before - a movie billboard over the NYPD. Just add that level of camp to the special effects of Dinosaurs and you get Next Mutation. I've finished all the Organization horoscope videos (they're really short!) and the stinger to the Everything Wrong With East Meets West video. The rest will take some work, especially if I have to work around copyright to get what I want (getting the DVDs will help).

There was a video opening/closing that I remember from my childhood. I looked it up and it's actually on youtube. The video series was called Children's Circle, and it featured a van with drama masks painted on it (more like circular emoji form before emojis were a thing) driving through a neighborhood. The lyrics I remember are "Come on along, come on along, join the caravan." In hindsight, a van driving through a neighborhood and beckoning little kids to listen to a story probably isn't the most appropriate image to present.

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