Monday, March 28, 2016


After watching the AT4W retrospective, I would totally read the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle books if I ever come across any (but not the new 52). Also thanks to Linkara, I'm hooked on the Game Show Reviewer videos. It helped me remember that there was a game show called Scrabble that I used to love too. I can't wait to watch more. The review Linkara promoted was Carmen Sandiego, and I liked that one enough to look at what other game shows he'd reviewed. His first two reviews were Legends of the Hidden Temple and Supermarket Sweep, so I was sold on it after that. I hope he does more Nickelodeon game shows in the future, as he's already done a few and has name dropped a few more. I was surprised to learn of a Rock and Roll version of Jeopardy and even more shocked that the host was Jeff Probst. 1970s Alex Trebec as the host of the original Double Dare is also worth a watch. This guy only has a few thousand views per video and a few hundred subscribers, so I am also promoting him here and on Facebook. That's still doing better than me, but I didn't make a YouTube channel for views or subscribers. I'm almost done with my Turtles video; once I'm done editing part 2 it won't take long. I may actually get an editing gig if my friends decide to try making their own web series since they are fed up with their real jobs. If they're successful maybe I can even guest star if I know enough about the subject material.

Teen Titans Go! had an Easter special that pretty much ripped off Nightmare Before Christmas - not an homage, just the same idea applied a different way. Halloween wasn't even referenced in the holiday pantheon at all (it was replaced by George Washington and President's Day). It also means it copied the video game sequel Oogie's Revenge. I really liked it even if some parts were stupid. The Ninja Turtles crossover was much like the 4Kids one except Nickelodeon could afford the original voice actors. Unfortunately that's pretty much the only thing it had going for it aside from a dig at the Michael Bay Turtles. The 2D animation looked more storyboard-ish than I would have liked. I don't watch the Nickelodeon show, so I was surprised to hear Gilbert Gottfried as their Krang and also impressed that Andrea Romano is the voice director. Finally, the most recent episode of Dino Super Charge had the most WTF ending I've seen in a long time.

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