Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wake Me Up

I tried making a fried noodle sub by putting yakisoba in a sub roll. It was all right, but like I thought, the addition of bread into the equation gave it too many carbs. I could barely finish the tray. On the other side of things, the company I work for came out with garlic bread sticks stuffed with mozzarella. Whoever thought those up is a genius because they are great. Friendy's Ice Cream also put out a limited batch of ice cream cake ice cream (that's like Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan), which is really good. My boyfriend hates ice cream cake because he thinks it's an ambomination, but I haven't gotten him to try it yet.

We finally got around to playing a session of one of our D&D campaigns. It was a big battle, which was scripted for the big bad to knock us all out for a week and for another NPC to effectively get the kill. I was rolling well at first but poorly toward the end, and I disagreed with my party members about what I should do (not that it mattered in the end since none of us could do anything). Highlights included getting an NPC drunk so he would give us  some information. We did end up getting the information from him, but then one of our party decided to sacrifice him to his dark god anyway behind our backs. I could've tried scrying but that hadn't worked on another ally NPC because the DM rolled a nat 20. We ended up hiring a wizard and a cleric to use sending and tongues to get our message across, which was to bitch out our ally for not complying. At the end of everything, we actually gained two levels. I felt it was more deserved than the last time it happened, though I still felt like I hadn't done very much. In the other game we only level up when the DM says we can, which hasn't happened since Level 8. We started that campaign first, and we are now behind by three levels.

We also started watching Ray play a randomized version of Pokemon Crystal. Naming his Geodude Goofy on top of the Evanescence song was a little too on-the-nose considering what happened to him in Kingdom Hearts 2.

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