Friday, April 8, 2016

Spies and Thieves!

There has been some debate about whether Xehanort is going back in time to get the Foretellers to join him or if he's simply conjuring them from the Book of Prophecies which he totally has (and told Maleficent about). If he's conjuring them from the book, do they become lost from history or does he just have copies of the real ones? Since Chi is a simulation, and the characters and worlds you visit aren't real (and the real ones have no memory of it), I would have been inclined to think it was more time travel shenanigans and he had a previous life as the sixth master who was denied a page of the book. Alternatively, if the traitor is one of the five who was helping him, then that's pretty much what Braig did (bonus points if the traitor is whichever one you chose to train under so it's equal opportunity, but I don't think that's possible). It would be cool if they segue to Xehanort and Braig turning the rest of the apprentices against Ansem the Wise if Back Cover details the fall of the lost masters because it's basically the same thing - history repeats itself. Again, that's probably not going to happen, but that's what I would like them to do.

My CinemaSins parody video is finished. Like the Star Wars prequels, it's two parts and about twenty minutes in total (around eighteen of which is actual sin time). I just have to decide when I want to upload it. I still have to figure out my holiday video plans, and other than that there's a release schedule for my Org XIII zodiac series. If I can get decent screen caps of the Yu-Gi-Oh! movie that's coming out in Japan on the 23rd, I wanted to make one for that and post it next month.

I tried the chili cheese version of the Burger King Grilled Dog, and I liked it. I still like the ones at my local diner more, but it was by no means bad if you like chili dogs. (Dino's Seafood in North Haven! Shameless plug!)

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