Saturday, March 12, 2016

Such a Cop-out!

There are recaps on the CBS mobile site for Survivor but I couldn't find it on the drop-down menu on the regular site like I used to. I'm still rooting for the bounty hunter, though it'd be better if the tribes worked as a team to find idols like theirs did and that it'd give them a much-needed advantage at challenges. And I knew Tai wasn't the one being evacuated - he was just upset because of who was. Burnie and Ashley were so close to winning, but it just had to be an equalizing leg of the race. Then in the next episode they fell to the back of the pack again. So disappointing.

The person who sins the Pokemon movies gave the Diancie movie no sins because he liked it so much. Because of this, I'm no longer afraid to have free reign of my own video, though I still strive to be fair. Like the CinemaSins Star Wars prequels, I'm going to have to cut mine in half. Part 1 is finished except for the total run time, which I may have to figure out later if I don't default to "too many minutes" or "too long minutes." It is currently set at "X minutes." Part 1 covers episodes 1, 2, and 3 and has a stinger of its own. Part 2 will contain episode 4, episode 5, the bonus round, and the stinger proper. It's a lot of work and it may not be worth it, but I've had fun. In making the short stinger for part 1, I realized that Venus would've fit right in at Hogwarts. She's a legilimens, she knows wingardium leviosa and expelliarmus, and at seventeen (an important age in the wizarding world) she should probably know a lot more. Then again, Hermione wasn't as popular with her classmates in the beginning either, and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone came out around the same time as or shortly after Next Mutation (or Hero Turtles in Europe, pfft).  Another problem is that rather than being a witch among wizards, she was a shinobi among ninjas.

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