Friday, April 29, 2016


So, without giving anything away, I just read a bunch of spoilers for the new Yu-Gi-Oh! movie. Ryou is more involved in it than usual (usual being not at all as most extra material is filler and he's not in any of that), but that also means horrible things happen to him. This being the case, I'm going to do what he would do: talk about food now and try not to think about it.

Jason offered me some of those Oreos that were supposed to be cream-filled chocolate cupcake flavored. They were pretty good, but my mentality is that I'd rather just eat the cupcake. Actually I wouldn't because I probably got burnt out on them as a kid, but they have this new caramel cupcake variety I'd like to try too. I tried the Batman and Superman cereals because they were cheap. I thought that the caramel Superman cereal was going to be bland, but it was actually really good. The concept of chocolate/strawberry cereal has been pulled off with other brands like Special K, but not with Batman. It wasn't as terrible as people are saying, but it wasn't as good as Superman. As for the movie, Zack Snyder is bad news.

Ruffles All-Dressed came back, so that's pretty cool. What's also pretty cool is that the Survivor recaps finally caught up. It was almost three weeks behind. What isn't behind is my upload schedule. I just finished the Yu-Gi-Oh! tribute and will upload it soon. I have some idea of what I'm doing for a year-end holiday video as well, but that's later down the line.

Monday, April 25, 2016

I Would Like to Rage

I received an anonymous comment that one of my articles on HubPages didn't cover everything about the Civil War and that I needed to provide more details. 1) Anonymous. So lame. 2) I don't write in-depth hubs. I'm more of a one-page-analyisis type of writer on that site. 3) I'm not even being paid for this so I don't give a flying fuck anymore. I'd also like to rescind my shameless promotion of Dino's Seafood. It is not the same as it was before. And I'm also annoyed that the Survivor recaps are behind, but at least they're back on the regular web site.

Another downside to not having filler in SMC is that middle management villains become monsters of the week. The Witches 5 are all probably going to be killed by Sailor Moon and the other senshi at this rate. I'm not sure why Haruka has turned into Seiya from the Sailor Star Lights (or why the three pure-hearted ones [or holders of the three talismans since heart crystals aren't a thing] are also being referred to as the Three Lights). I'm also not sure why Mamoru is having the dream in addition to Rei (I can't remember if he did or not before), but it beats having the ones that keep sabotaging his relationship with Usagi. But then, everyone and their mom is having the dream now, and Michiru and Haruka are seemingly getting in between Usagi and Mamoru even though they would never do that.

Burnie and Ashley came in second once again. While that's great for keeping them around, I would've liked to see them get first at least once, especially when they deserved it.

Monday, April 18, 2016


In the latest episode of The Amazing Race, they revisited the Dubai water slide. I've thought the United Arab Emirates is a pretty interesting country since I was learning geography as a kid. I don't know why since I didn't know or learn anything about it, but I liked the sound of it. I'm glad Burnie and Ashley are still doing well. They could've had first this time too if Zack and Brodie hadn't used their express pass to get past the puzzle. I loved the water challenges in this episode, though the puzzle was annoying. I prefer logic puzzles, myself. Anyone remember the handheld games that were full of water and you had to push buttons to blast rings onto hooks? It was almost as challenging. I had gotten pretty good at the handheld Magna Defender target practice game (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy!).

Axel and Demyx are popular (or at least Axel because he's on the thumbnail) since the video I made about them being Sagittarius has gotten three views in the first twenty-four hours while the previous one about Zexion being a Scorpio still has none and Xaldin the Libra has only one. The first one with Vexen as a Virgo still has the most at four. Also, I had been teetering between 154 and 155 subscribers only to now drop to 153. Maybe it's my voice people don't like, or my lack of editing skills. I don't think it's the popularity of the characters, though maybe more die-hard fans of certain characters would sit through a minute of my rambling (or perhaps they were fooled into clicking on it??). Meanwhile, TheBrotherhoodAbridged lost our content and our channel (TheFMABridged). Our leader has since launched another channel (BrotherhoodAbridged) and is reuploading the videos with an altered format. He will still probably have to fight the audio claims all over again, though.

I forgot to mention last time but I like that Mamoru has his own communicator watch (which looks amazing btw). They even gave him stuff to do like protect kids and fellow students. I would like to see this continue since he used to just inexplicably show up just to give encouragement. Because there's really no filler here, he now has a reason to show up instead of popping in and out as the formula demands.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

No More Shiny Makeup

Sailor Moon Crystal came back with its version of S. I didn't read the manga so if differences from the earlier anime are in it I wouldn't know. I just didn't like how everyone - including Michiru - is referring to Haruka as a boy, which makes me think she's pretending to be one. She's even got a cape and a domino mask like Mamoru and calls Usagi "bun head" instead of "moon face." I didn't like the end theme focusing on Uranus and Neptune either since this is Sailor Moon and the focus should be on her. Chibiusa and Hotaru as a pairing in the opening theme is a bit weird too, especially since their meeting in this was not as good as it was in S. I was even bored during the transformation and introduction sequences. It took way too long, so I ran out of patience by the time they did it again. The opening theme song is okay, but it's no Shiny Makeup. Episodes 27 and 28 are both Act 27 (parts 1 and 2), so episode 29 is Act 28. This got very confusing very quickly. Is it a bad thing that I was the most excited by the Witches 5? One other thing I liked is the triangulation of Mugen that uses the last names of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. As for any potential abridged jokes, Pluto in the opening theme could be like "I'm back, bitches!" and a reference to the Witches 5 resorting to murdering each other to get promoted (and the promotion was probably a lie to begin with).

Homestuck ended (at least until he comes out with the epilogue), but we are left with more questions than answers. Collide and Act 7 were great animations, but I felt disappointed that there weren't any panels with dialog. The team that does "Let's Reads" hasn't updated any of their projects in months, so that may not be a thing anymore either. Hopefully the store will remain open at least through the rest of the year because merch will continue to be relevant.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Spies and Thieves!

There has been some debate about whether Xehanort is going back in time to get the Foretellers to join him or if he's simply conjuring them from the Book of Prophecies which he totally has (and told Maleficent about). If he's conjuring them from the book, do they become lost from history or does he just have copies of the real ones? Since Chi is a simulation, and the characters and worlds you visit aren't real (and the real ones have no memory of it), I would have been inclined to think it was more time travel shenanigans and he had a previous life as the sixth master who was denied a page of the book. Alternatively, if the traitor is one of the five who was helping him, then that's pretty much what Braig did (bonus points if the traitor is whichever one you chose to train under so it's equal opportunity, but I don't think that's possible). It would be cool if they segue to Xehanort and Braig turning the rest of the apprentices against Ansem the Wise if Back Cover details the fall of the lost masters because it's basically the same thing - history repeats itself. Again, that's probably not going to happen, but that's what I would like them to do.

My CinemaSins parody video is finished. Like the Star Wars prequels, it's two parts and about twenty minutes in total (around eighteen of which is actual sin time). I just have to decide when I want to upload it. I still have to figure out my holiday video plans, and other than that there's a release schedule for my Org XIII zodiac series. If I can get decent screen caps of the Yu-Gi-Oh! movie that's coming out in Japan on the 23rd, I wanted to make one for that and post it next month.

I tried the chili cheese version of the Burger King Grilled Dog, and I liked it. I still like the ones at my local diner more, but it was by no means bad if you like chili dogs. (Dino's Seafood in North Haven! Shameless plug!)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wake Me Up

I tried making a fried noodle sub by putting yakisoba in a sub roll. It was all right, but like I thought, the addition of bread into the equation gave it too many carbs. I could barely finish the tray. On the other side of things, the company I work for came out with garlic bread sticks stuffed with mozzarella. Whoever thought those up is a genius because they are great. Friendy's Ice Cream also put out a limited batch of ice cream cake ice cream (that's like Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan), which is really good. My boyfriend hates ice cream cake because he thinks it's an ambomination, but I haven't gotten him to try it yet.

We finally got around to playing a session of one of our D&D campaigns. It was a big battle, which was scripted for the big bad to knock us all out for a week and for another NPC to effectively get the kill. I was rolling well at first but poorly toward the end, and I disagreed with my party members about what I should do (not that it mattered in the end since none of us could do anything). Highlights included getting an NPC drunk so he would give us  some information. We did end up getting the information from him, but then one of our party decided to sacrifice him to his dark god anyway behind our backs. I could've tried scrying but that hadn't worked on another ally NPC because the DM rolled a nat 20. We ended up hiring a wizard and a cleric to use sending and tongues to get our message across, which was to bitch out our ally for not complying. At the end of everything, we actually gained two levels. I felt it was more deserved than the last time it happened, though I still felt like I hadn't done very much. In the other game we only level up when the DM says we can, which hasn't happened since Level 8. We started that campaign first, and we are now behind by three levels.

We also started watching Ray play a randomized version of Pokemon Crystal. Naming his Geodude Goofy on top of the Evanescence song was a little too on-the-nose considering what happened to him in Kingdom Hearts 2.