Friday, July 31, 2015

Due to Technical Difficulties

Earlier this week my laptop locked up due to a problem with the Windows software. I brought it in to Staples to get it fixed and still haven't gotten it back yet. Originally, I was going to upload my Digimon video tomorrow, but that isn't going to happen now. Instead, I will upload it in October sometime before the release date of Digimon Tri in November (since I have holiday videos slated for release in November, December, and January). As soon as I get it back or make other arrangements, I'll upload the fake bleeps video next month instead.

I've tried the Sprinkle Donut Captain Crunch and got a nostalgia overload. Hello, Sprinkle Spangles. I missed you. Except for the shape, it's basically the same product. It's also sweet like Rice Krispies Treats cereal that we no longer have either. The one thing I don't like them doing is smashing all the shapes and colors together into multi-colored balls. That doesn't seem as appealing. I also got blue raspberry flavored Pop-Tarts, which I would rank below Wild Berry but almost on the same level. And just in case you cared, yes I bought and am eating two other healthy cereals to balance out all this sugar.

Monday, July 27, 2015

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Jessie's Pumpkaboo evolved into Gourgeist, which was awesome. However, Pikachu disguised as Psyduck together with Ash dressed up as Snorlax was probably the stupidest Pokemon-related thing I've seen in a while (although Clemont and Chespin were a close second). Close behind them is the episode that just aired in America. (What's wrong with his eyes? What's wrong with her eyes?!)

I filled out the fake bleeps video to about a minute and forty seconds. I guess I'll find out when I post it in a couple of months if it's actually any good or not, but I thought it was funny at the time. There's probably a lot more I could have done with it too if I had the time to just sit down and binge watch my favorite nostalgic series from when I was a kid (thank God they're on youtube and haven't been taken down yet). I didn't want to make it too long in case it started to get annoying, but I by no means covered all of the bases. Also, I finished both stories I had slated myself to write this month. I have a vacation coming up at the end of August, so I will try to bang out another story and make it to the halfway point of the series before then, leaving me four months to write the last five stories.

There are four more Do Us A Flavor chips out there, but once again, I think I'd rather just eat the real thing. They are Southern Chicken and Biscuits, New York Reuben, Greek Gyro, and Truffle Fries. I have had the opportunity to try Key Lime Pie Oreos. I liked the S'mores ones and these are good too. I first found out about them from a friend of mine in Mexico, and I'm glad they finally have them where I live now. The graham cookies are tasty, and sometimes they are necessary whenever the usual chocolate wouldn't be such a good idea (ditto for the golden ones, especially the lemon). I've heard of a backlash from the thin Oreos, too, since it is a travesty to those used to the double-stuffed variety. Speaking of S'mores, I finally got my hands on some Friendly's S'mores ice cream, but it tastes super sugary so I wouldn't really recommend it. I also got the sprinkle donut version of Captain Crunch because it reminds me of a cereal we used to have when I was a kid called Sprinkle Spangles. This was probably a bad idea too, but we already got French Toast Crunch back, so here's hoping.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

To Be Continued?

I don't know how to feel about Equestria Girls 3 yet, but Diamanda Hagan's review of the first one was pretty funny. While MLP is enjoying its midseason hiatus, SMC has come to an end, at least for now. They set up a bunch of stuff for the S arc, but the series was only contracted for 26 episodes, so we'll have to see when they go back into production. Anyone else feel it was a bit off when Neo Queen Serenity upgraded the Scouts' powers even though they haven't been allowed to do much the entire time? I'm at least happy that I found a place to watch Okamisan and Soul Eater NOT dubbed online in the meantime. I'm getting excited about the 20th anniversary special for Yu-Gi-Oh! that's coming out in Japan next year. It'll probably sound weird if they can't get the English voice cast back to dub it (since 4Kids went under and Dan Green retired), but it should still be good. At least, I hope it will. I'm just glad to see the gang again, especially Ryou (though I don't know why he's the only one not wearing his uniform in the footage we saw).

For some reason I have a strong urge to draw Ienzo eating a blueberry muffin, or at least holding one. I've got muffins on the brain lately, I guess.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Making Progress

"Peter Pan the avenger." That is a line from the stage production, but now all I can picture in my mind is if Peter Pan actually joined the Avengers. Disney does own Marvel now. They can make this happen. Anyway, it looks like we'll be getting more updates on Kingdom Hearts sooner than they said since it was announced that they'd have more news for us at D23 in August. We probably still have a long wait ahead of us for the actual game to come out, so I'm not going to be working on that video for some time. However, I am very close to finishing both the comic dub and the fake bleeps video. August 1st is fast approaching, so I'll be attempting to upload my Digimon video too. As of right now, I have three out of ten stories done for the series I want to finish this year. Seven more to go and only five and a half months to do them. It's going to be a lot of work.

I didn't think about it until the second time I watched it, but Luna creating the Tantabus to torment herself for what she did as Nightmare Moon is a lot like Ken wanting to punish himself for what he did as the Digimon Emperor. In Luna's case, however, I think fewer characters were angry with her while she was trying to make amends; many were still afraid of her, but that was mainly because she was still in a position of power, and that stupid myth about Nightmare Moon eating ponies didn't help either. By the time Ken had that dream at the end of that season, I'm pretty sure most if not all of the characters had accepted him (the fandom still remains divided, unfortunately).

Saturday, July 11, 2015

It Happened!

I reached 150 subscribers. Rob (cvgcosmovsgoku) is busy with finishing up the FMABridged after some setbacks but has agreed to help me with the comic dub whenever he has some time. I'm so excited now! Of course I'll have to maintain it, like I said, otherwise I'll just look stupid if my subs go down and I have a video that says 150 Subscriber Special in the description (much less embarrassing than if I titled the video that). I started the fake bleeps video too, so I'll have to think of more. It's hilarious but it makes me feel evil as well.

Also, I may not have gone to ConnectiCon (which just had to be on the weekend where all these other events were going on in the area, making traffic a huge nightmare), but I ended up doing something that made me happy nonetheless. David Dayan Fisher posted his demo reel to his YouTube account, so I watched it. Then I wrote a comment saying I'd read one of his books and recommended a book to him as well. That's as good as telling him in person, right? Not that he was scheduled to show up at any events that I'm aware of.

Donald's mini figure from Disney Infinity looks angry. Maybe he's pissed he doesn't have any of his magic powers from Kingdom Hearts? Lol.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Bi-Weekly Roundup

Another season of Hetalia has just started. Why am I not as enthusiastic as before? Last season ended with the gender-swapped versions of some of the characters, and this one started with the cat versions. Last season was called The Beautiful World and this one is The World Twinkle. I guess things have gotten so bleak that not even this can take my mind off of the world's problems, especially if I may not get to see the dubbed version when it comes out.

SMC abridged jokes, penultimate episode: Pluto dying because she's not a real planet ("Damn you, Neil DeGrasse Tyson"), calling Wiseman the Phantom Menace, and replacing Nemesis with the moon from Majora's Mask. I'm disappointed that it's going down this way as opposed to the original series, in which Chibi-Usa didn't become Mini Moon until she showed up in the third season. Also, Pluto didn't die until she had to stop time on another occasion. But if they couldn't get over to Diamond in time I guess it was called for here ("I'mma do it! I'mma f*cking do it!").

MLP was again trying to tie up loose ends with Twilight trying to make amends with her friends from before she moved to Ponyville (like Dash did, and the most recent comic which Fluttershy thought was going to turn into the movie Carrie). While they did keep the canon references to the wedding and such, they glossed over Lyra and made her inconsequential (really? After the slice of life episode with her in it?!). Either way, here are some more characters Twilight had forgotten until now, even when a couple of them were right in front of her. She is a walking oxymoron.

I just saw Brad Tries hotdog pizza. While I like pigs-in-blankets, I don't think I'd like this, especially the pretzel crust one.On the subject of fast food, though, I now compare McDonald's cheeseburgers to the ones in its counterpart in Invader ZIM, MacMeaty's. in that they taste sort of like they are made out of napkins. When I was a kid, people used to talk about how acres of the rainforest are cut down to make cheeseburgers, which made me think the burgers were made out of the ground-up trees. What they really meant was they had to cut down the trees to make pastures for cows, but why the rainforest? Wouldn't the climate be too hot for cows? Or were they lying to me this whole time?

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Is it a meme to hate on the Irate Gamer? It seems almost everyone on Channel Awesome has made some sort of remark of that sort, the most recent being MikeJ this week. We get it, you all don't like him, move on. I really don't care for the Angry Video Game Nerd's brand of comedy and you don't see me harping on it constantly (if I did I'd get flamed though). Which brings me to the point of this little rant - how can people on the Internet who are clearly anti-bullying engage in behavior like this that closely resembles bullying? It's hypocrisy, in a way. And this is a real person, a reviewer like any other, not a character found in fiction. We each have our preferences of which reviews to watch, who we like and who we can't stand; we simply watch who we like and ignore who we don't, it's as simple as that. Reviews are usually meant to contain some constructive criticism amidst the jokes. It's not a punchline to say someone sucks when it's mostly a matter of opinion, even if it's the popular and prevailing one. Memes get old fast. Please give this one a rest already. I don't especially like Irate Gamer Chris Bores, but I am really getting sick of hearing about him. It's as bad as being in a fandom, and those are blowing up left and right. There are some videos explaining what's going on and why some people get involved in feuds or kicked out of fandoms, but I'm not really interested and won't waste my time on them. Creative differences happen, differences of opinion happen; some can be reconciled and others can't. That's all there is to it. Don't be sh*tty (that goes for both sides).